2018 RTR?

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GotSmart said:
If it is a hatchback, that would work great.   A car is for resting and sleeping.  There are so many things to do...

If you plan on a motel, Book early.
Oh, I wish it was but it's not it would be very hard to sleep in. The car just wasn't built for comfort. But, it does get great gas mileage  :)
jimindenver said:
I'd offer my spare bedroom but it consist of a uncomfortable jack knife sofa that Max usually calls dibs on.

Awe, that's sweet of you to offer.. :)
If you are into smaller groups folks usually peel off early and travel in small groups. Some stay together till the next RTR others say the RTR is enough. I wanted to hang out more but my daughter went under the knife and I had to jet out of there. I shower exclusively at the PLNT-NYSE and as long as I pay them $25.50 a month I see noo need for me to pay somebody else for a shower. 100 miles to YUMA gives me a Sams restocking option I can bump around there to justify the 200 mile round of the trip just I got a call of my daughter going into hospital when I was in YUMA so I just blazed a trail from there on.

There is a PLNT up in LAKE HAVASU TOO they have a pretty good settlement up there well to do folks. I went to the busses by the bridge event a VW show off and they had plenty to show. Got my PLNT shower 2x there and returned to the RTR. Sure is nice to shed your desert funk that I have learned a few tricks to avoid.

When you get to the RTR There is an exit that is suggested you drive around a little part of town that makes the road look like a key from above. When you get to that spot where you turn right at the end of that paved road you drive SOUTH for about 2 miles and on the RHS you will come to the area where the bulletin board and the camp fire will be. When I got there the road had been recently graded and there was a good size bump to get off the dirt road but that is the way it is there.
I'm so glad to know the dates for the 2018 RTR have been set! It's been awhile since I have been able to even GET online while working at Yellowstone. SIGH! The Internet is not very good and there's so many college kids here that it's been just about impossible to get online. Right now, I'm using a friend's computer in West Yellowstone, Montana. I have the weekends off as I was lucky enough to get it; however, there's so many college kids working here that getting the weekends off isn't a problem. LOL!

I really wanted to attend the RTR in 2017 but couldn't due to work scheduling conflicts. Anyway, that's not a problem since the season ends for me here at Yellowstone in November. I will be back to Sioux Falls for my daughter's wedding on November 28th plus I will be spending the holidays with my daughter and her husband-to-be. Then, it's off the RTR in 2018! I'm so excited, too! I am hoping to get to meet people here that will be attending.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

VanGrrl57 :)
I have a thought that in the years since inception the RTR, as well as the LTVA nearby, may have in time developed "neighborhoods" of returning folks looking forward to meeting up with their neighbors after a season's travels. I think that this would apply more to the LTVA than it does the RTR, but what say you? Is their some sort of protocol or unwritten code of camping?
Sorry... to clarify, and again the focus is more towards the LTVA, if I arrived earlier than most and set up, could I be in a spot that is traditionally used by others for "X" amount of years. Just a thought, and it's probably irrelevant, but it came to mind when I thought of Winter in Arizona.
Unless unforeseen forces prevent me from attending, I will at the 2018 RTR in my minivan with 2 small dogs  :)
rm.w/aview said:
Sorry... to clarify, and again the focus is more towards the LTVA, if I arrived earlier than most and set up, could I be in a spot that is traditionally used by others for "X" amount of years. Just a thought, and it's probably irrelevant, but it came to mind when I thought of Winter in Arizona.

I would think it should be first-come first-served....how would they 'reserve' a spot? Unless maybe some friends arrived early and ran off any interlopers...

Good question tho...
LTVA's cost money to camp in, not much but it still cost. where the RTR is it's free but there is a 14 day limit. in both areas it's first come first serve. no one can tell you to move and you are in their spot. if you get there early many hang out over at Ehrenberg then move over to the RTR. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
hey Patty starting around September there will be a lot of people asking just stay tuned.  keep your ears open for any help needed,  there is always something to do.  highdesertranger

OK, Now I;m confused is it going to be in FLA in January or AZ?  I thought Bob said it's going to be in FL.
no, same spot outside of Quartzsite Arizona. Bob is in Florida right now he said the RTR will take place in the same place. highdesertranger
Bob gets the group permit.

Each of  us needs to stop at the camphost located on the way in and get their own individual permit. It's free, it just lets BLM management keep track of how many people are using a specific area which translates in to funding for the heaviest use areas.

The permit is good for 14 days so most of us stay away from the Quartzite area until just before the RTR so that we're not running afoul of the 14 day limit. That's why we tend to congregate in Ehrenberg.
PattySprinter said:
OK smartypants - I will watch for dates to be posted. I don't mind helping too if there is any help that is needed - see you there! :)

LOL, smartypants, trying to get a leg up on him, butt that was said on the fly.