2017 Ehrenberg news and resources

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IanC said:
I saw two snake tracks in the ravine this morning in the soft sand.  I had a very close call with a rattler in Buckeye, so I'm super cautious now.  From what I've read, Spring and Fall are when most snakebites occur. This is also the time when they are hatching and the venom from the babies is as powerful as an adult. Lots of sightings of baby rattlers in Quartzite according to the paper there.

There are a lot of piles of burro turds down in the ravine (they are dried and no hoof prints so they've been there a while) , plus the fresh tracks of either deer or big horn sheep - I wonder if anyone has seen any.

I'm not in Ehrenberg any more, but a friend from there sent me a picture of a 5' rattlesnake that was up on the plateau. It got run over, so is dead now, but it was huge. Sad that it was killed, but it's for sure a good warning.
I'm nearly there, just holed up at a truck stop in northern Las Vegas waiting for a couple of appointments over the next couple days. I hope some of you guys will still be around when I get there. So new to this it would be good to have some people from the forum around while I get my sea, err, desert legs.
Also, if there's anyone there who knows mountain bikes, I have pretty much 2 complete bikes in pieces taking up way too much room inside my living space. I would love to give one away in return for helping me put the other one together. I don't know anything about bikes so there the pieces sit. ? They are Klein frames, so decent, although not the top-end models.
Fingers and toes crossed that I'll get to meet some of you fine folks.
Just in case no one noticed the ads in the trading post section, Marilyn has a 100 amp hour sealed battery for sale and I'm looking to sell a 20 lb propane tank.

PM here or text me at 315 408 1797.
coffeewitholiver said:
I'm nearly there, just holed up at a truck stop in northern Las Vegas waiting for a couple of appointments over the next couple days. I hope some of you guys will still be around when I get there. So new to this it would be good to have some people from the forum around while I get my sea, err, desert legs.
Also, if there's anyone there who knows mountain bikes, I have pretty much 2 complete bikes in pieces taking up way too much room inside my living space. I would love to give one away in return for helping me put the other one together. I don't know anything about bikes so there the pieces sit. ? They are Klein frames, so decent, although not the top-end models.
Fingers and toes crossed that I'll get to meet some of you fine folks.

:) I'm so glad you posted this.  I remember seeing you and your truck/rig on some site when you just strated it...I think?
My life is in a mostly in a uproar right now......in a few weeks I'm going start on your first blog and read all of them.  I admire the way you talk about some of your issues.  

I'm thinking about adding to my signature....."my mind is a terrible thing to lose...some day's"

I wish you well.

coffeewitholiver said:
I'm nearly there, just holed up at a truck stop in northern Las Vegas waiting for a couple of appointments over the next couple days. I hope some of you guys will still be around when I get there. So new to this it would be good to have some people from the forum around while I get my sea, err, desert legs.
Also, if there's anyone there who knows mountain bikes, I have pretty much 2 complete bikes in pieces taking up way too much room inside my living space. I would love to give one away in return for helping me put the other one together. I don't know anything about bikes so there the pieces sit. ? They are Klein frames, so decent, although not the top-end models.
Fingers and toes crossed that I'll get to meet some of you fine folks.

There will be folks here. I know someone who needs a bike and I would gladly help you put yours together. I started my day with a ride this morning and it was great.


Happy travels


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Hey Jewellann and Cliff, thanks so very much! Jewellann, I warn you my blog is a rather random place to visit! I have some great readers though. It never ceases to amaze me the kindness of strangers.
Cliff, I will take you up on that offer! If you want to give the other bike away because of someone else's need, the offer is ever nicer. I like that it will go to someone who can put it to good use.
Regarding the free table.

I know it's not just the crvl people out here so I won't point fingers.

The old saying, one person's trash is another person's treasure.. Well, sometimes junk is just junk. Dumping galvanized shi# and bed frames and other crap isn't cool. Why expect other people to have to deal with your junk. Why make a good thing bad. Dont be lazy.

Paranoia is not welcome, if you didn't dump junk, you have no reason to feel insulted.

Just curious, would clean, mostly new or newer clothes be okay? I can donate here or bring them with me...Large shirts, 34x32 trousers.

People are already leaving and the crowd is thinning. Here in a week or two when it gets into the 90s we'll leave faster.

I don't know whose idea that free pile was, but whoever it was needs to haul it off before he/she leaves because otherwise, we are doing nothing more than dumping in the desert. The summers sun, heat, UV rays, monsoons, and wind will ruin most of it and it will be trash next fall.

When I do a free pile at the RTR, I make sure 100% of it is all gone at the end by taking it to the dump, (most of what's left) or thrift store.
I hadn't planned on just dumping the stuff, but I get your drift, I'll donate here.
Anyone in Ehrenberg in need of internet access? I have lots of data available so if you need some internet access stop by between 10am-2pm or message me for a different time. Blue Ford Van and popup tent trailer.

Huh, that's a great idea. I should have enough data left over this month to do the same, once I get there. Should be there Sunday afternoon if things go right. 
I'm really worried about everyone heading out before I even make it , at my forced slow pace. I've got a bad case of the newbie jitters.  :(
It's thinning out but many will be here. I have 200 plus extra gb available.

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coffeewitholiver said:
...I'm really worried about everyone heading out before I even make it , at my forced slow pace. I've got a bad case of the newbie jitters.  :( ...

We will be here at least another week(if roof fix works), possibly longer. PM me if you want my newbie tour. Water, garbage, laundry, propane, that's all right at the exit. Groceries we have been getting from Blythe, CA. Best of luck!

EDIT: We are not with a group yet, just us. Gonna hunt a group down when we have a better grasp on our situation(you all have been warned).
Some of us, I know at least 4 others including me will be here til the end of this month.
Welp, I think I'm here! I turned off the main dirt road (to the lft) after the hill and found a little space to park. My rig is unmistakable, so please send me a pm and come by to say hi if you like, or to tell me if I parked in a dumb spot! Wow, I have no idea what I'm doing.