1st Gen Prius Plug-in AC overnight

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Mar 28, 2021
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New Jersey
Hello everyone,

I am considering buying a 1st gen Prius plug-in so that I can run the AC off of the battery alone overnight while sleeping.  I know the regular Prius activates it’s ICE engine periodically to charge the 12V and would like to avoid this.  Can anyone tell me if they have any experience with the 1st gen Prius plug-in and how long the AC will run on a summer day?  I know that the results would depend on different variables but a general idea or a range of times would help me tremendously.  Thank you very much in advance.
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I moved your thread to the newcomers corner as this is you first thread.
Well, I moved it again to the car section as this is a car question. You posted a new thread in the newcomers corner.

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