As seems to be the normal case for me, I had read a bunch of stuff and decided that 12v panels were the obvious choice. Still on the fence about poly vs mono, but going 12v seemed like a blessedly simple choice that I could scratch of the decision list.
But something caught my eye today and I've now realized there's at least 2 builds I've been studying that use 24v panels, and they appear to be done by people who pretty much have their electronics dialed in.
I understand that going 24v would require a MMPT controller...but does it take different batteries too? Anyone here using 24v that can explain why they made that choice? Thanks
But something caught my eye today and I've now realized there's at least 2 builds I've been studying that use 24v panels, and they appear to be done by people who pretty much have their electronics dialed in.
I understand that going 24v would require a MMPT controller...but does it take different batteries too? Anyone here using 24v that can explain why they made that choice? Thanks