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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2020
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Finally, the weather has been great and I have had the great fortune of having reconnected with a freind of yore who also happens to be as excellent woodworker. All of those great pieces of machinery that allows for precision cuts and overall ease of craftsmanship has really been a lifesaver. I have to admit that I was very  likely looking at only having not much more than tote bins and an air mattress on the floor.. I am so very thankful that a skilled person has been doing the whole build... more or less for me... I am great with a broom it seems and I am learning a ton of info. Day 3 into the build and I finally realized that I probably shouldn't be blabbing about covid in Spain when my buddy is my droning on hasn't driven him from doing the build nor my putting pocket holes on wrong ends... :s

I have a few pics here. The floor was already in.. I did that with only a jigsaw.this past fall..LOL. I also did the bed/couch top.  EVERYTHING else is from the skills of my buddy.

Wish I could say I did more of the work here...but we all know there are times when we should probably stick with the broom.

Hmmm..trying to figure out how to post pics.. keeps saying error 400..:/
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The bed/sofa is great. When folded up it can easily sit 2 people in comfort on each side. (MY freind adjusted that as well, adding a couple more hinges to ensure durability. He almost had to rebuild it more or less.)

I really love that when the back cargo doors are open I have seating to enjoy the view and can have seating inside as well. There is a ton of storage under the bed/sofa and all  under the counters. There is yet to be a couple shelves to add in as well. The counters are perfect height for an end table/night stand.  The stove top counter will be a sliding or fold up counter attached to the 1/3 of the side door... allowing me to  cook outside in good weather or when closed.. 20 pound propane tank fits perfectly under the passenger side counter perfect spot for the stove and placement of heater..really lucked out on that!

So eager for the final product... soo very close. 

Still have to set up solar... just gonna do a 100watt panel... trying to sort that all out.. I wont have much usage outside of a strip of led on the roof down center.. chargng my phone and ipad..etc..maybe a couple hours of tv... I will just have to adjust to diminished usage if needed. I have already far exceeded my cash at this point and still have to get a portable hotwater/shower setup...and an olympian heater.. yikes.. :s so a modest power plan at this point is the way Im heading.

I will be doing very little cooking or storing of food that requires a fridge at this time. BUt I will be doing an inaugural burger bbq... soo excited!
Awesome build, desert_sailing!

Don't forget, Maxfan takes juice too. You will want one for cooking and for when it is that hot. Nice.
I do see alot of people putting in a fan... I actually was leaning against it... There are soo many windows that pop open.including one right above where the stove will be.  Will I regret not putting one in?  I really dont want to cut into the roof... would I be fine just using a portable fan facing out a window?
I use mine as a vent more than the fan function. Some put in two, fore and aft. 

Maxfan is lower profile than Fantastic fan, if you will pull in under anything low like a 10 foot car shade.
slow2day said:
Nice looking work!
I wish I could take more/any credit for it. My buddy is a very knowledgeable craftsman. He was soo particular even in picking tightly grained boards for the strength... it really does make a difference.
He is really going to town. MY challenge has been to rein him in... I simply don't have the budget to pay for everything he wants to do. I have to give respect and not take advantage of his goodwill. While I am not using the top shelf materials.. the construction certainly is. I think for all materials.. I am maybe around 250... I will have to dig up reciepts and list it all when the build is complete.

I truly am fortunate to have his skills in this. Took today off. Tomorrow the roof goes up! woot woot.
A friend in need is a friend indeed! My van's small amount of woodwork has all been done with portable and handtools. Not the best looking but sturdy and functional.

Dang, looking at all that room you have is making want an extended van.
slow2day said:
A friend in need is a friend indeed! My van's small amount of woodwork has all been done with portable and handtools. Not the best looking but sturdy and functional.

Dang, looking at all that room you have is making want an extended van.

I definitely want to get a set of tools.. the ryobi sets seem to be fine. I am not sure how they will help me much as I am terrible at measurement and building much more than a sand castle... you should have seen the first bed platform I had made..omg.. rickety as all get up. I had no idea wood glue was soo
The amount of room in the van is fantastic... she is a big girl for sure. I couldn't afford a hi top of any kind but I dont feel crammed in at all.. the windows help alot with that. I am looking to cut polyiso maybe into the shapes of the windows.. blacken the outside and pop those puppies in when cold or at night. (idk..suggestions?)

I think I will be fine with the length.. tho I kinda have a strong leaning towards an Astro ..awd

I will use this for a few years and it is good to know that when I put it up for sale someone will be getting a solid and functional rig.

We started the ceiling today.. got all the insulation glued up and started the luan, tomorrow that should be done..maybe the electrical as well..!!

I can't wait to post all the finals and have everyone dissect what I did wrong..LOL
desert_sailing said:
I am looking to cut polyiso maybe into the shapes of the windows.. blacken the outside and pop those puppies in when cold or at night. (idk..suggestions?)

The large rear windows on my old Dodge maxi had been dark tinted by the previous owner and I painted the inside with a light grey color so they were blanked out completely. The tilt-out windows were dark tinted also and I didn't use insulation in that van at all. I just used 2 sleeping bags but on really cold nights I would burn a Coleman lantern that had the glass globe covered with aluminum foil. Just enough heat to stay warm. The tilt-out windows were handy to provide ventilation. A better solution these days is a Little Buddy propane heater.

My current van has lots of insulation under the fabric covered walls and ceiling but has large slider windows. Polyiso inserts cover four of the windows at the sides and rear. I sleep right behind the driver's seat and that window stays uncovered except for the accordion blinds it came with.
I expect I will lose a ton of heat without a covering over those windows. It was super hot in it the other day (74 outside) while working in it.. I hope I can reduce that a bit somehow. These windows are very lightly tinted. I plan on putting perforated vinyl to help a bit with the privacy issue.

It is nice to hear that you use polyiso on your side windows and that it works. Next van I get wont have windows in the back..

I bought a mr buddy heater to test this past fall.. I wasn't happy with it...I gave it a thorough test run.. used soo much propane and the heavy propane smell. I am probably gonna head for the olympian wave3... I have no idea but it seems like that may do me better but not my wallet initially.:(
My brain tells me that if I am worrying too much about heat or cold that I need to drive to where it is more comfortable.

Ive been saving for an Enigma Quilt. They are outstanding cold weather bags...expensive but so nice. I would hope to be in locales that a good bag would be plenty fine.
DS, nice work. I did not see you mention what the van model is.
a 91 GMC rally stx 15 passenger,  a touch over 100k. 2 previous owners.. first owner was the Mormon church and second owner had it parked in a barn forever using only for hauling  garbage, hay, and feed for critters. 

It was pretty trashed inside.smelled like goats....ewww. but I did a complete gut and scrub.
It was nice that I didn't have to pay xtra for a nice interior when I would be discarding it all anyhow.

I ended up paying 1k for it.probably could have got it at 800 they just wanted it gone, so much so they even drove it to my home 40 miles away..LOL.. changing of fluids and new brakes was all it needed... I really scored on it all around. No rust..(just a bit of superficial rust in a few places).. no body damage, could use a new paint job.. probably tan... it drives soo smoothly. WOuld love to get some swivel seats up front WOW that would be the cherry on top!
Cool, all in all sounds like a pretty good buy, most especially for just 1K, although I am no expert by any means on vehicle mechanics. And just 100K miles is very good for something of that age. It's probably old enough that you can still do most of the standard engine maintenance and minor repair work on your own, whereas recent vehicles are mostly too complicated to repair unless you are a trained mechanic.

If it breaks down down the road, you can always buy a pickup, and tow the vandweller van behind you, LOL (jk).
desert_sailing said:
It is nice to hear that you use polyiso on your side windows and that it works. Next van I get wont have windows in the back..

Actually I'm not sure it works so well in the cold because it's only 1/2" thick. Vans have too many air leaks to get really good results IMO. But then I don't plan to be where it's really cold in winter.

One side of the foam has a reflective coating like Reflectix and that is of more value in hot weather.
Qxxx said:
Cool, all in all sounds like a pretty good buy, most especially for just 1K, although I am no expert by any means on vehicle mechanics. And just 100K miles is very good for something of that age. It's probably old enough that you can still do most of the standard engine maintenance and minor repair work on your own, whereas recent vehicles are mostly too complicated to repair unless you are a trained mechanic.

If it breaks down down the road, you can always buy a pickup, and tow the vandweller van behind you, LOL (jk).
I did have a thorough check up on all systems for her. The mechanic did say it would be easy to self maintain/repair ..why he is readng me as mechanically capable IDK :s ...The engine is right between the passenger and drivers seat.. and sits high up.. very easy access and protected from the elements too .

I was checking the spare on the back.. its the original... I assume anyhow.. was dated '91...never been used..I will definitely be getting that changed!

Also has a tow package!  Was thinking of putting a space there and using for extra storage space.. orr.. a little garden//:)

Hopefully  she keeps running for long while without serious incident. I would like it to be a blessing for the next owner who has a tiny budget like it has been for me thus far.

I have read many of the stories here and how soo many folks all over are truly limited by expense and skill in finding a "home".

I am humbled by and thankful for the blessings I have had with the van and build. Several people helped me is something not all of us have.

Up until a week ago I was resigned to just an air mattress and storage totes. :-/ which was just fine with me.   We live in an age where soo many people refuse to "make do".  I think "make do" is engraved on my family crest and I aint ashamed one bit about it!
desert_sailing said:
Up until a week ago I was resigned to just an air mattress and storage totes. :-/ which was just fine with me.   We live in an age where soo many people refuse to "make do".  I think "make do" is engraved on my family crest and I aint ashamed one bit about it!

Nor should you be. My parents were depression-era kids, and though they did reasonably well for themselves, some habits they never lost, and they passed those habits to me. The years I worked at dress-for-success jobs, I dressed out of thrift stores. And felt just fine about it.
Hey Desert Sailing, 

Great improvement to the original design. You get a deceptive amount of space and storage with this.
I'll keep the pix as suggestions when talking to folks that might be able to do the work.

Might your buddy take cash from an old gal in PDX to do the convert?  :D
I feel quite daunted needing to start over and hope the next build sticks.

Thanks, Catmomtoo