Here's a nifty rig I saw...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2014
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I'm in Fernandina Beach, FL, currently. Walking down the street I saw this beast pull in and I knew I had to find its owner and see what he was up to. It didn't take long before I found him hanging out by the docks and I hit him up for a chat and some pictures.

This fellow is from Maine and says he's been living the mobile lifestyle his whole life. His vehicle is a Ford diesel 350 that was a wheelchair transportation van in a previous life. At some point, it had some highly custom bodywork done to it. Added to the back is an old horse trailer with solar panels and a battery bank. Seen on this side of the trailer is his table attached to the fender made with a cross-section of timber and some strap hinges. I didn't get pictures of the other side, but that side contains his battery bank, mounted to the opposite fender. He's had that opposite fender re-welded a couple times from the weight of the batteries breaking it. In asking him about his battery/solar system he really didn't know any details, only that he paid someone $3,000 to install it back in the early 2000s! He is using regular car starter batteries for his bank and has several of them. With his panels being that old I suggested that he could easily upgrade today as prices have come down a lot, but he didn't seem that interested - he's an old timer and his set up is working for him.  :)

Inside the horse trailer, among other things, is a 1950s Harley that was a former Police service bike in Burlington, VT! Strange as I met him in FL and Burlington VT was my hometown before leaving for the mobile life. The Harley has a box on the back for hauling his dog. Sorry, didn't get pictures of that bit. He says he averages 10 MPG (diesel) - highest of 16 MPG without the trailer.

I never did figure out what's with the one massive boot...

Interesting character for sure.





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Finally, pics of a rig with an outside much uglier than mine. Mine's patchwork of repairs may not show on the pics I had to post for SaltySeaWitch, but they sure do show in person. LOL
WriterMs said:

Finally, pics of a rig with an outside much uglier than mine. Mine's patchwork of repairs may not show on the pics I had to post for SaltySeaWitch, but they sure do show in person. LOL

And I was showing its good side! He freely admitted he didn't much care about appearances. He patched holes with sheet metal and liberal spray applications of that "as seen on TV" spray stuff (note: I don't recommend that product to anyone). At least he used the white version of the spray seal on this side. On the opposite side he used black. Must be what he had on hand that day.

I wouldn't do things the same way he does, but I do enjoy that a person such as him can exist in the world and be happy.
BradKW said:
If that guy can stealth camp, anyone can  :D

Yep! He did say he's been chased out of places by police now and then, but by and large he just gets by parking for free.
How could you not ask about that ginormous boot? lol

Well good for him.
Cheli said:
How could you not ask about that ginormous boot?  lol

Well good for him.

Well, I started to, and in passing said "That's one hell of a boot." He replied, "Yessir, custom made in New York..." and followed up with some old-timey tales. I didn't want to press him and ask why he needed it, but I did notice he has pronounced surgical scarring on the insides of both legs, so I'm assuming it's a medical apparatus of sorts. He also volunteered that, with his rig being a dog to drive and all (who would have guessed), it gets hard to switch between pedals in stop/go traffic or up/down hill; when his leg gets tired from the weight, he has to pick his leg up with his hands to put his foot on the pedal!
Interesting mods to the RVs body.
I really don't think stealth is part of his world.
And I thought my old Motorhome looked "rough" :dodgy:
The more I look at and study this old "Gent's" concept the more merit I see in it.  Depending on what he has in that Horse Trailer which is the focus of my interest.  

I understand he has an old shuttle bus for his rig and everything is essentially cobbled together. It isn't cosmetically appealing at first glance.  (perhaps by design)

I'm sure that if the LEO's see him as handicapped at his age they may assume he is a Viet Vet and that cut him
a lot of slack.

What I see is a way of adapting this method of thinking he has to a smaller light weight Van containing the
bed and kitchenette and a few basics.   The trailer could have a bathroom, power house, and other
functions. (depending on the size and weight of trailer)

For one who is traveling and sight seeing this unit could serve them well.  When they get to an area that they want to go exploring in, they could leave the trailer at the campsite and take a couple days to go exploring or sight seeing in the Van.  When they return the batteries in the Trailer would be recharged by the solar panels.
The Van would recharge a house battery as it is driven.  But combining the Van with the Trailer for cross country travel would provide comfort and convenience and then detaching the trailer once at camp or by using a secure parking lot, the traveler could use the Van to travel through segments of the area he or she
would want to see and even stealth camp for a day or so. (if they have membership to a national Gym or YMCA where they could clean up they may be able to be away from the trailer for longer periods) 

It would be like having a big Class A with all the amenities to use while on the road,  and the utility of being able to detach and then have somewhat of a Class B to go sight seeing and stealth camping in when desired. 

When I look at these pictures, this is the possibility I see in it.   The Van could be a 1/2 Ton with V8 engine, and the trailer be a light weight single axle.  (I'm sure the old Gent found a good deal on that horse trailer)  Together the two units would provide comfort and flexibility for both camping/boondocking and travel/sightseeing.

I'd proceed as in my Van Conversion website with my Van and then focus on setting up a  4 X 8 trailer 6.5 ft tall with all the utilities I would want in it.  There's only so much room in a Van and the more stock it appears, the more suited to stealth camping in the inner city it would likely be.  I'd even mount the awning on the trailer instead of the Van if I were using the Van/Trailer combination.
As it happens, I had another chat with this chap after posting this thread. He came by my van one day before I left town and reciprocated some friendliness. He ALSO demonstrated some more quirky stuff of his, such as his cane... Which also breaks down into a monopod chair thing...

It looks like he's mounted on something in an uncomfortable way. :D But there's actually a webbed leather seat as part of that cane. Also on the bottom of the cane, hard to see in the picture, is a leather pouch. I asked, and he produced from that pouch a flute and played a moment. He looks quite the sight sitting on that thing playing his instrument - a practice, he said, usually reserved for cemeteries. "I've never had anyone walk out on me, but I've yet to receive a standing ovation."

This dude is legit, for sure.

Apart from the motorcycle in the trailer he has a good many assorted things in storage. I don't know that he ever detaches the trailer. That's why the motorcycle has a cage for the dog to ride along. I don't recall what he paid for the rigs themselves, but he's had both for a couple decades, and mentioned that all told he thinks he has put $85,000 into them over the years! I'm not sure how that's possible but he also has other people do the work so that may be the reason.



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I'm glad to know he carries a motorcycle in the trailer.  So my thoughts aren't a duplication of his.

I don't know if you mentioned CRVL to him or not but if you cross paths with him again why don't
you tell him about this site. 

That 85K for 20 years figures out to about $355 a month for as long.  I just wonder if he was including
the cost of the rig/bike in that ? 

If he's just using the trailer for an Iron Pony,  I can understand him not unhitching the trailer.

I think that if I were to carry a bike of some kind I'd motorize a bicycle and use it for a grocery getter.
I'd mount it across the back of the trailer. (covered from sight)

Gasoline like this one:


Or electric is available like this one:

eDJ_ said:
I'm glad to know he carries a motorcycle in the trailer.  So my thoughts aren't a duplication of his.

I don't know if you mentioned CRVL to him or not but if you cross paths with him again why don't
you tell him about this site. 

That 85K for 20 years figures out to about $355 a month for as long.  I just wonder if he was including
the cost of the rig/bike in that ? 

If he's just using the trailer for an Iron Pony,  I can understand him not unhitching the trailer.

I think that if I were to carry a bike of some kind I'd motorize a bicycle and use it for a grocery getter.
I'd mount it across the back of the trailer. (covered from sight)

I did mention CRVL to him. I always tell people about this site. I began by gently inquiring as to his computer proficiency, and he replied, "Oh, I got a whole office, computer, printer... figured it all out... even got on the internet..." Although I forget his exact words from there, the short anecdote ended with his waning interest in modern technology, as well as the admission that he hasn't turned on his computer in years. But it was the phrase even got on the internet that said all that really needed saying: He's still in a place where that's a milestone achievement. He has no smart phone either. He has his dog and he's happy.

I think that the 85k was for the van, trailer, bike, and maintenance/add-ons to each, but I can't be sure. Either way I don't think that figure was representative of living expenses.

I built a 2 cycle bike once. Never did make it run correctly. It's in storage somewhere. I think they're one of the better options out there for efficient transportation and I'd like to see more of them, but as it is, it seems that the 2 cycle bicycle community exists mostly as a niche community similar to ours with homebrew solutions that are difficult to insure.
Hey, your travel thingy moved! Have you/Are you going to pass through Tallahassee?
Thanks TMG51,   :) 

Since you posted those 3 original photos my mind has been spinning like a gyro  wondering what he's
put together.    I began thinking along the lines of getting a collection of Class A conveniences together
using the Van & Trailer combination.  Thus the Van having the bed, kitchenette, and refrigeration where
there may be a folding table and chair to dual purpose cooking/eating arrangements along with computer
use.  A flat screen TV with vga/hdmi input from the computer for a larger computer screen or just TV for watching DVD movies etc.  This in a 1/2 ton Van with a larger V8 if possible.

Insuring the Van and licensing it would simply be a "house vehicle" (at least here in Ohio) and the insurance
may be less.  In Ohio if it is lets say a E 350 ford it requires a Commercial license (being a 1 ton)  A 3/4 ton or !/2 ton doesn't require commercial.  But the House Vehicle requires a permanently installed bed, kitchenette, with heating burner and sink.  A folding table and chairs where one can eat inside it. 

This wouldn't be difficult to do with a less expensive 1/2 Ton  E 150. 

Then the other amenities could be installed in a Trailer and that could license and insure simply as a utility trailer,
perhaps as a rider on the Van.  (possibly an extra $20 a year) 

Then the trailer could be fitted out with toilet, shower, generator, batteries, solar panel(s) water tank, water heater, propane tank storage (bbq grill size), tubs for washing clothing, and what ever tool storage.  The trailer could have the awning mounted to it and a hinged table that could be folded down for outdoor use under the awning.  (imagine it as the Swiss Army Knife of the Rig).

As for the motorized bike,  yes I've been on some of those message boards and they are a wealth of info just like CRVL.   I've put together several of those bikes and learned their quirks and quarks. (pm me if you want for some trouble shooting) 

But I'm beginning to see this as my next step for going full time in the future.  I have an E 350 Ford with the high roof set up like my website.  Haven't installed an awning on it yet and am wondering if I even will if I can find a deal on a trailer. 

I'd love to see the look on some LEO's face when he sees all that stuff on the trailer and then realizes no one
can live in it.  LOL   It's just a trailer full of utilities. The part that is lived in looks just like any other Van on the
street.  (but which one ??? :huh: )  The trailer would be parked legitimately on a private parking lot, while the Van is parked stealth somewhere.  It may even be worth having a small window in it  so the LEO could look inside.  (and realize that it isn't set up to be lived in)   Just to enable the Van Dweller to live better when using it.

But that's the "vision" for now.   Arrive in a Town, pay the storage fee to park the Trailer on a secure parking lot.  Then take off in the Van for some stealth sight seeing around the area for a day or two before returning to hitch up to the Trailer and move on.  Then if I want to stay somewhere for awhile the conveniences in the
Trailer make the two units more or less self contained. The motorized bicycle can get over 120 mpg
and just add to the flexibility of the system. (so if you are in the camp ground a way from the lake and you want to go fishing,  you just fire up the bike pack the tackle box, lunch box, an fishing pole and head over to the lake or stream. Likewise if you need a #10 pound bag of ice and some groceries,  the bike is the getter
for that too.  But I'm more and more sure that this is how I'd approach full timing. 

In school days I owned a small motor boat that I towed behind the Van.  I often loaded the boat with extra stuff I wanted to take along.  Worked out fine.  I'd set up camp, leave my Girl Friend there to take the boat over to the dock and put it in the water.  Then park the trailer there at the dock and return to the camp site
with just the Van.
"...what about the booot?"
Betting there is no foot in that boot.

I enjoy listening to individuals like him, and the wisdom that they often have.
I have a vandweller friend who this guy reminds me of, a bit eccentric, but a generous and loyal friend.
BradKW said:
lol, great update!

But...what about the booot???

I know! This time I even opened my mouth to start to ask about the boot, and he started speaking about something totally different before the question began. I can't be sure, but I think that he's more perceptive than he looks, and that he knew what I was going to ask, and that he didn't want to talk about it.

Karl's guess is the same as mine. I think he has no right foot. If you look closely, that massive boot appears to be a solid lump at the bottom. And he said it was custom made.

Rugster said:
Hey, your travel thingy moved! Have you/Are you going to pass through Tallahassee?

It did! And I did! Now that you mention I remember we have member(s?) in Tallahassee. If I'd thought of it I would have offered to visit. I'm in disc Dothan, AL now and I've met two of our members here.

eDJ_ said:
Thanks TMG51,   :) 

...that's the "vision" for now.

No trouble.

Your vision sounds like a great niche set up, but I don't think nearly the same deliberation went into his. It's just a conglomeration of all the stuff he's added and he doesn't care what it looks like. :)
ZoNiE said:
And I thought my old Motorhome looked "rough" :dodgy:

What's rough about that classic Zonie? I think it looks great.