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Van Living Forum

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  1. Cherokee

    Baby steps: Starting with a small van.

    Welcome back...nice job on the van! :)
  2. Cherokee

    Selling plasma.

    Just did a quick search for plasma donations in my area (near Charlotte, NC) and new donors can make between $200-$300 a month, depending on a persons size. Here you need a valid ID, proof of residency, and a SS#. They also offer a rewards program where you accumulate points every time you...
  3. Cherokee

    People Wanting To "Help" You

    Exactly, Bob! :D :D :D
  4. Cherokee

    People Wanting To "Help" You

    I'm not even on the road yet and I'm already hearing it. (I do, however, have one friend who understands and has been very helpful). I understand and appreciate the concerns of my friends but sometimes they get a little carried away with it. The "oh, you poor girl" looks drive me crazy and I've...
  5. Cherokee

    My wish to you all.

    :) A very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! :)
  6. Cherokee

    A gift guide for those living small

    Thank you for posting this! Not only were the ideas great but it made me feel like I'm not crazy for wanting to live in a small space :D
  7. Cherokee

    Deadman switch!! - 911 auto dialer

    Just saw this thread so I apologize for being late to the conversation. While apps can certainly be useful, I would advise taking the time to read through the license agreement before relying too much on something like this. Not only is the usefulness of this app (like others) dependent on...
  8. Cherokee

    Throwing Stuff Away

    Thank you for starting this thread! I have a storage unit to go through and I'm dreading it. It's full of stuff...some of it packed in boxes, most of it in bags or just tossed in there. It's always been difficult for me to part with things, especially sentimental things like gifts from my now...
  9. Cherokee

    My first cooking video-Feedback

    Nicely done! :)
  10. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    Thank you bobj...I keep telling myself the same thing (I hope we're right)! I've hit some serious obstacles in the past couple of years and now it's just a matter of getting through those issues and focusing on what's ahead. It's a process but I think it will be worth it in the end. Safe...
  11. Cherokee

    Vandwellers; Lazy or Wise?

    I try to not worry too much about what other people think. I watched my mom bust her ass working 10-12 hours a day 6 days a week with the hope of retiring one day so she could travel. She passed away from cancer at 60 years old having never had the opportunity to do many of the things she always...
  12. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    LucyImHome - That's great advice...thank you! It's nice to have a community that understands and is willing to help. I've learned quite a bit just reading through the posts here and I'm not quite as anxious as I was before. :)
  13. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    Hi tothemoonandback...PM sent :)
  14. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    mockturtle and Bob - thank you both for your kind words (and Bob, thanks for the link)! I'm still probably two months away from starting out and I'm already a little nervous. I know I'm not going to have much room in my vehicle but I'm just going to do the best I can with what I have and hope...
  15. Cherokee

    Hi new from Ohio

    Hi there! I'm new here as well and a former Buckeye myself having grown up near Cleveland. I'm not on the road as of yet so I don't really have any advice but I thought I'd say Hello and welcome... :)
  16. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    Oh my gosh, you folks here are so wonderful...thank you for all the replies! I have the next few days off (I am currently employed although it looks like that may be changing soon) so I'm going to go through my things and weed out everything but the necessities. Fortunately, I kept a majority of...
  17. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    Thank you both! It really helps to know that I'm not the only one wanting to do this. I've mentioned it to a few friends and the responses ranged from genuine concern to "have you lost your damn mind"? I know they mean well but I've made up my mind...I just need a little support right now...
  18. Cherokee

    Hi from South Carolina

    New here and wanted to say Hello! I made the decision last year to live out of my vehicle (bought a van, outfitted it with everything I would need, etc.) but, at the last minute, was talked out of it by what I thought was a close friend. This "friend" is no longer around (go figure) and the...