Hi from South Carolina

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Nov 8, 2014
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New here and wanted to say Hello! I made the decision last year to live out of my vehicle (bought a van, outfitted it with everything I would need, etc.) but, at the last minute, was talked out of it by what I thought was a close friend. This "friend" is no longer around (go figure) and the house I'm living in will probably be going up for sale soon so I'm hoping to be living in my vehicle within the next couple of months. I now have an '88 Jeep Cherokee that will be my new home (I can't afford anything else at the moment). It doesn't look like much but I'm happy with it...it's paid for and I just had the transmission rebuilt. This is going to be a BIG change for me and I'm feeling kind of scared at the prospect but if I can just take that first step I know I can do this. Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated...thanks!
My humble advice is for you to make the Jeep as comfortable as you can while you still have the house to work from. And then just do it. I'm in the same shoes as you, as many here are.
Hi, welcome!
Welcome C most of my mistakes too have been listening to others. Welcome to a new path.
Luisafernandes said:
My humble advice is for you to make the Jeep as comfortable as you can while you still have the house to work from. And then just do it. I'm in the same shoes as you, as many here are.
Hi, welcome!

dragonflyinthesky said:
Welcome C most of my mistakes too have been listening to others. Welcome to a new path.

Thank you both! It really helps to know that I'm not the only one wanting to do this. I've mentioned it to a few friends and the responses ranged from genuine concern to "have you lost your damn mind"? I know they mean well but I've made up my mind...I just need a little support right now. Thanks again!
Ouch, What a shame. Sorry your friend talked you out of it, then bailed. Remember other people have been through worse. When you're feeling down, think of the things you should be grateful for: warm, dry, safe place to sleep, even if it's a car, wouldn't that homeless man sleeping outside in SC winter rather be in your situation? That friend is gone, but I'm sure you have other people who care about you. You didn't mention if you were employed, if you are, even if you hate your job, you can be grateful for the income.

Good luck. Glad you're here.
Sounds like a great new opportunity, congratulations! Enjoy.
Welcome to the CRVL forums! Very good advice about doing as much work as possible while you still are living in a house. If possible try to attend the RTR in January. It's a lot of fun plus you'll meet many like minded people!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Sounds like you have a plan and this site can help you as much as you want and need. Jan
Oh my gosh, you folks here are so wonderful...thank you for all the replies! I have the next few days off (I am currently employed although it looks like that may be changing soon) so I'm going to go through my things and weed out everything but the necessities. Fortunately, I kept a majority of the stuff I had in the van but I just don't have the room in my Jeep so some things are going to have to go. I also have a storage unit to clean out as, once I do this, I really don't want to be tethered to anything here...especially something that's going to cost money every month. It's sometimes hard for me to part with things though so it's going to be a bit of a challenge. Baby steps for now, I guess...:blush:
mockturtle and Bob - thank you both for your kind words (and Bob, thanks for the link)! I'm still probably two months away from starting out and I'm already a little nervous. I know I'm not going to have much room in my vehicle but I'm just going to do the best I can with what I have and hope everything works out. I'd love to check out the RTR in January if at all possible...it would be nice to meet some like-minded folks!
Hi Cherokee,

Welcome! I am from SC as well. I am kind of new too. I had a plan to live in my Kia Sportage and to take off around the end of Dec. headed West to the RTR. Now things have come up that may postpone my departure. I am very disappointed because I wanted to go bad. PM me if you like. I would love to find out if you are close to me.
I'd suggest being very cautious about who you share your plans with. Mostly for your own sanity. Most folks just don't get it and you don't need people looking down on you. Come here to share your goals and concerns, hopes and fears. "We" get it!
The most important thing is to make sleep as comfortable as possible. I slept in the back seat of an extended cab truck. It was actually pretty comfortable, except for it being summer in Palm Springs, CA with daytime temps of 115-122. So, you can do this. We're here to help!
LucyImHome - That's great advice...thank you! It's nice to have a community that understands and is willing to help. I've learned quite a bit just reading through the posts here and I'm not quite as anxious as I was before. :)
Cherokee, it may sound trite to say it but I actually do think 'things' work out for the best. May not seem like it at the time but it will happen.

Keep your spirits up and stop by here to visit or pick up a few hints on how to do something.

Travel Safe. Bob J.
Thank you bobj...I keep telling myself the same thing (I hope we're right)! I've hit some serious obstacles in the past couple of years and now it's just a matter of getting through those issues and focusing on what's ahead. It's a process but I think it will be worth it in the end.

Safe travels to you as well!

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