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  1. dfunkt

    A dream or a premonition?

    I woke one morning with the vivid remnants of a dream haunting me into my morning. &nbsp;The setting was Montana with a magnificent view of snow capped peaks and lush forest as I lie in my van parked at a lookout. <br><br><a href="/file?id=1625109" rel="lightbox" target="_blank"><img...
  2. dfunkt

    Found this at a yard sale

    I bought this stove/oven for $25 at a yard sale today. &nbsp;I don't know how well it will work but it looks pretty cool and has no sign of much use. &nbsp;Like new condition.<br><br>Has anyone seen or used one of these or anything similar?<br><br><a href="/file?id=1620966" rel="lightbox"...
  3. dfunkt

    doubt, fear, and uncertainty

    The house is for sale. &nbsp;The money is running out. &nbsp;The plans are concocted and the trailer is purchased for my crap to go into storage. &nbsp;But where are the buyers? &nbsp;I can't start vandwelling until this house sells and it's not going well so far. &nbsp;All I get are lowball...
  4. dfunkt

    Has anyone seen this type of catalytic heater before?

    Some friends gave me this heater they found at a yard sale. It's an Igloo Master Model #40 and uses naphtha and methyl hydrate as a catalyst. &nbsp;I can't wait to fire it up.<br><br>
  5. dfunkt

    newer vans?

    Is there a reason I always see people announcing they found a van and it's a pre-2000 model? &nbsp;I was thinking I'd buy something around an '07 so that is not all rotted out.
  6. dfunkt

    12 years ago I had a 10 year plan

    Hello everyone. &nbsp;I'd like to be as helpful as I can. &nbsp;I am striving to put aside my negative thoughts and let my life be the poetry I love. &nbsp;<br><br>A Week<br><br><div>Five of seven days I wake</div><div>When out of bed a smile I fake</div><div>Dressing quickly out the...
  7. dfunkt

    Are there any go players vandwelling?

    I love playing go. &nbsp;I love studying go. &nbsp;I just love go. &nbsp;<br><br>When I head out on the road the one thing I will miss most of all is playing with my buddy in person. &nbsp;I play go online, but that is not nearly as good as a real face-to-face game. &nbsp;If there is a go player...
  8. dfunkt

    Secol(Danfoss) vs Sawafuji

    I was completely prepared to buy a fridge with a Sawafuji compressor until a poster here advised me that his was noisy and Danfoss compressors were quieter and more reliable. &nbsp;This put me on a mission to learn even more and I have discovered that there is no longer a Danfoss, the company...
  9. dfunkt

    bed frame

    I see many people's build-outs and have noted that often beds are framed with wood. &nbsp;Is there a reason why I shouldn't just use the steel bed rails from my bed in the van? &nbsp;they are strong and not too heavy and allow for more space under the bed.
  10. dfunkt

    I'm back with humility

    Hello everybody. &nbsp;I took a long hiatus from this forum after getting embroiled in a silly controversy regarding a new subforum. &nbsp;I am not sure why I let silly things get me riled up, but during my absence I missed this community. &nbsp;So, that being said, I am back and nearly ready to...
  11. dfunkt

    Engel 12v Refrigerator without solar

    I am going to buy an Engel refrigerator and I was wondering if solar is really necessary or can I just hook up a deep cycle battery and charge by alternator while driving? &nbsp;How often would I have to run the engine to keep the battery charged?