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  1. R

    Old Vans versus New Vans?

    steamjam1, Thanks so much for entertaining my sentiments exactly! The line of work that I am in proves your theory about millennials but generation Z that comes after them is scary as well. They are not to use cell phones at work.... but all the millennials do is Facebook and the Gen Z peeps are...
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    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Thank You So Much Dennis! I just read the first page that came up on the savvy traveler and we have more in common than I thought! I will read further on the links. Peace and Joy, Regina
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    Old Vans versus New Vans?

    Slow2day, you are right on that one! Didn't think about it in those terms!
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    new to being a nomad

    Hi Terry! Congratulations on retirement! Hope to see you at the RTR!
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    Happy Hello to All

    Thank You gapper2! Looks like you have a good looking Van! Hope to meet everyone at the RTR!
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    Happy Hello to All

    Thank you RobndaHood. And from your quote, I would like to say Thank you to you as well, for your selfless service for our country. Know that there are more that are grateful and have not spoken up than those who are not.... Peace to you!
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    Old Vans versus New Vans?

    Thank you slow2day! Love the quote! And so I have been told that there are positives and negatives with keeping an old van or getting a new one. Is it true that if there is an EMP(electro magnetic pulse that downs the grid), all newer vehicles with computers will not work?
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    Hello from Oklahoma!

    I will not let you forget!!! Talk to you soon!
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    Northeast Newcomer

    Greetings Sparrow! I am new to site as well and live in the North East. I will be happy to hear how your van build progresses! If they do have another mini RTR in NY, I would love to go!
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    Northeast Newcomer

    Hi rvpopeye! I never knew there was a mini RTR in New York! That's by me. Is there going to be another one?
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    New to site

    Welcome Boondocking Cluckers!
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    Happy Hello to All

    highdesertstranger, Thank you and I have printed out instructions and have read them! :)
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    Happy Hello to All

    Thank You Cammalu! And thank you for your service and sacrifice! Takes one to know one!
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    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Greetings Van on 66 ! Take time to heal and get your feet and hip in good working order! And I will pray for a speedy recovery! I would love to hear some more about that famous walk on route 66... Peace to you!
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    Hello from Oklahoma!

    CautionToTheWind, I LOVE that quote by Abraham Lincoln! He is one of my favorite Presidents. Thank You!
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    Happy Hello to All

    Greetings Everyone! Today is the first day that I am posting here! My apologies again, but I had started this post and it disappeared somewhere and I couldn't find it. So if you find one that was not finished, please disregard... :) I am very excited to be here and hope to meet you all at the...
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    Thank You so much rvwandering! I am now going to look at tips and tricks link and post on the Newcomer's Corner! Have a Sunny Day!
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    Hello everyone and please forgive me if this is not where I am supposed to post! This is my very first post on van dwelling/ Bob's website! First I would like to reply to Doodah and say that I am hoping to attend RTR 2018 myself. I was thinking of a rental also. I am still working a full time...