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    Portable heated floor mat for my cold feet.

    Great website! Thanks for the tip. I’ve run into a problem, though. The kitty was looking over my shoulder while I was perusing heated socks and such, and is now insisting I buy her a heated cat bed. We’ll see if she takes my advice and waits to ask Santa next year.
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    Safe Parking L.A. Santa Barbara CA also has a program that includes not only parking lots but assistance in applying for jobs, obtaining food and other things homeless people need. I think theirs was the original program.
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    Dish water disposal for vans

    This might sound crazy, but would a Berkey purify dishwater enough to make it drinkable? I mean if it purifies pond water…
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    Hand held scanner

    Boy, just shows you what I know! I thought wagoneer was referring to a document scanner.
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    Bicycle camper building

    This is a link to a video on Robert Beriault’s YT channel where he shows a bike trailer he built which looks very light weight and has solar panels.
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    pepper spray?

    I agree that it is poor advice to use wasp spray for something other than its intended use. However, the 10-year mandatory minimum applies only to a situation where the spray-er intends to kill the spray-ee, right? Maybe you could point me to the U.S. Code which shows that a lower level of...
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    Little Red and the Grits Plant

    Homemade grits sound wonderful but you lost me at "stirring constantly for 15 to 20 minutes." The only thing I'm willing to stir constantly for that long is a cream pie (banana, coconut, chocolate, butterscotch...). But my mama always did tell me I wasn't the most patient person in the world.
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    Newbie who needs advice and an RV!

    I read somewhere that you should buy/build what you need for yourself, for everyday living, and not what you might need for potential visitors. As I've thought more about that, it makes sense. A suggestion to think about instead: carry a tent that could be used for guest quarters and which...
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    Van Dwellers Found Dead in CA

    The local newspaper, The Orange County Register ( offers another theory of the cause of death of the family of four: “The van was parked right next to a grass median, which possibly obstructed the exhaust system and may have caused lethal levels of carbon monoxide to fill the...
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    considering a private business venture outfitting, Vans, RVs, and trailers..

    Safarivan, What region of the country are you in?
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    Favorite road

    Pacific Coast Highway (US Highway 1) along the California coast.
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    gas prices

    Sorry, Annie, I guess I should have inserted an emoji. I was chuckling when I said no griping and complaining. No negativity intended. Yes, Kia girl, California. I need to move someplace less expensive! What year was it that gas prices went really nuts? I was traveling near Big Sur that...
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    gas prices

    I don’t want to hear any griping and complaining from anybody out there. Gas is $3.53 a gallon where I am.
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    Elderly budget care-campground plus. Who would be interested?

    Hey JD, Great idea, although I hope I'm at least a decade away from wanting to be stationary. Also, I would need warmer winters than the elevation you propose would provide. Keep the thread going! I love reading all the input.
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    Downsizing Tip

    So THIS is why I've been saving all those tiny Amazon boxes!
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    Best bank for nomads?

    Chase has branches all over California and in Parker AZ, Boston and Miami.  You can check their website to see if they have branches near where you need them.
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    Shower walls in Travel Trailer

    I don’t personally have experience with your kind of shower but a YouTuber called Rusty78609 has a 2018 coachmen clipper cadet 16 foot. He said he felt “leery” about the shower wall situation, said he called the dealer, who then called manufacturer. Rusty says he got a call back from the dealer...
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    What's your favorite way to wind-down at the end of the day?

    Having my kitty cat crawl into my lap and purr herself to sleep. Any tightness in my muscles just melts like butter.
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    Women's Forum - getting fit!

    Van Lady, My doctor put me on intermittent fasting to heal my tummy (gastritis) but I didn’t know what it was called until I ran across something on YouTube.  She told me to eat only two meals a day, fast two days a week and no snacks. No rice, bread or pasta (thanks a lot, doc).  Eat the same...
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    Anyone use powdered milk these days?

    My favorite bread recipe calls for a quarter cup of powdered milk. I think it adds a bit of richness to the flavor.