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  1. Florida boondocker

    Calling Mart and drwireless

    i lost out too, i just reported it to my CC and they refunded my money. They went after e-bay to get repaid, e-bay is resonable for selling counterfeit products e-bay knew these sellers were selling counterfeit products and didn't stop it so they have blame too As far as Jim nothing but the...
  2. Florida boondocker

    Wyoming Warning: *** Arrest

    Lesson: Know your right Do not consent to a search Do not answner questions
  3. Florida boondocker

    What about a shantyboat

    If your in the Orlando area you can rent a shanty boat, i'll put the link below Michael hand built it and i can tell you first hand it's a great way to send a few days i rented it for 3 day and explored the St Johns River and had wonderful time. Meeting people up and down the river everyone...
  4. Florida boondocker

    video cam & software

      a little open on budget but just need simple program, just wanting to make a few youtubes for cabinet painting, showing how we work
  5. Florida boondocker

    video cam & software

      i own a painting company in Orlando, 95% is painting kitchen cabinets. Just want to make a few video's on how we paint them
  6. Florida boondocker

    video cam & software

    I'm looking for recommendation on video cam & software for making mostly youtube videos for my company Thanks for any help
  7. Florida boondocker

    My LEO encounter that just happened

    checkout News Now Houston on youtube, he goes everywhere pushing his rights, also James Freeman channel they seem rude at first but if you watch a few you see they are standing for their right and love to "educate" law enforcement on our rights it amazing how many LE don't know our rights
  8. Florida boondocker

    Sequoia Nat Forest areas closed to dispersed camping

    Here is Florida where i boondock it's free but you need a permit to get gate code, stays locked 24 -7 Makes it easy to enforce the 14 day rule, better safety as they know who's camping and if they trash the place they know who was back there
  9. Florida boondocker

    Sportsman 1000i generator

    THANKS, i own a sportsman too and your post is very helpful. now i know if i every have a problem were to check
  10. Florida boondocker

    Easy way to convert ... this is amazing

       Notel USA has come out with a nice system for car / van sleepers  check it out and tell me what you think
  11. Florida boondocker

    Green Mountain Grills Davy Crockett

    I only boondock 3-4 days a month, i camp by rivers spending my day kayaking so this would be a good smoker for me i also have the room to haul / store it Nice way to end the day with a cold beer & smoked wing / ribs
  12. Florida boondocker

    Green Mountain Grills Davy Crockett

    Anyone use this?  it's a pellet smoker so easy to store source, it's also 12 volt or 110 volt Ordering 1 this week to try out If you use a smoker what do you use? Gas, Elec, Charcoal, wood, Pellet ?     BTW NEVER loan your smoker out, lost my last to family  :huh...
  13. Florida boondocker

    RIP Rob"Gunny"Jungman

    RIP Gunny ... we never met but THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE
  14. Florida boondocker

    vehicle tents

    Every Road Leads Home, just curious why the hard top? is it for the protection while it's folded down? i'm looking to buy one for my hummer and i like the Smittybilt because of the skylights i'm not looking for full time, just when hitting trails in ocala national forest and overland...
  15. Florida boondocker

    Security guard asked me for ID & ran me for warrants

    Know your right #1 You had a legal right to be there, you were a member sure you could be breaking a "rule" but not the law you also HAVE the right to ask the security officer for HIS id, and call the police to verified i 100% respect a business rights, but you have right especially being a...
  16. Florida boondocker

    Jus’ gotta older side-entry Chinook!

    i am jealous ... enjoy
  17. Florida boondocker

    Bad Day in Florida

    hey with all the snowbirds in Fl take up state parks it's finding a good camping spot is tough i think they found one
  18. Florida boondocker

    Heavy handed moderation

    my 2 cents worth .... i have learned a lot here, seen the kindness of good people helping others gotta give BOB much respect for this site and personally thank the mods for trying to maintain Bob's wishes and giving part of their valuable time, something they don't have to do but they still do...
  19. Florida boondocker

    There comes a time in every RV's life...

    as i have posted here before, i am a painter by trade 40+ years I own a small painting company in Orlando Here's a few pictures of a travel trailer with slide we painted last year i'll try to find before pic if i can we painted all walls, doors & cabinets it really brighten it up alot we did...
  20. Florida boondocker

    Painting cabinets

    Cabinet painting ..... i can give you a few tips and anyone can PM me for more details I've been a painter for 40+ years and own a painting company in Orlando, Fl We specialize in kitchen cabinet painting, we paint over 700 + doors a month it's a big thing now, homeowners getting rid of stain...