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  1. F

    Boondocking in Las Vegas

    I will be going to vegas soon to stay for a while.  I read there are a few casinos and a wal mart that seem to be ok with overnighters.  My van is a chevy g20 hightop so I'm not sure if I would be able to fit in any parking garages.  Would love to know if anyone here has any...
  2. F

    Conversion Website?

    <br /><br />It will be underneath the bed but will not be coming for a few months as I am doing this all on a shoe string budget currently. &nbsp;When I do get it I plan on getting sealed AGM's so I shouldn't need to worry about venting.<br /><br />This is the bed design I plan on using. &nbsp;I...
  3. F

    Conversion Website?

    <p>This is my basic floorplan. &nbsp;Will be starting it this weekend so we'll see how it works out.<br /><br /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="639" height="359" /><br /><br /><br /></p>
  4. F

    Sink with running water, need suggestions

    <br /><br />Just to get a future question out of the way, where is the best place to find cheap water?
  5. F

    Sink with running water, need suggestions

    Hmm, I think I may just forego the pump/faucet for now until i have the money to do it right and go with one of these battery powered sprayers for a bit.<br /><a...
  6. F

    Sink with running water, need suggestions

    Thanks, that is great advice. &nbsp;I will definitely look into getting an electric pump once I upgrade to solar and I'm checking out those whale flipper hand pumps. &nbsp;They look good but for 100 bucks I will have to figure out my priorities. &nbsp;Just starting out right now and I will be...
  7. F

    Anyone else catch and cook fish?

    This thread made me do some googling and I found this. &nbsp;Thought it was share worthy<br /><br /><a href="">http://<br /><br />[video]<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="420" height="315"></iframe><br /></a>
  8. F

    Sink with running water, need suggestions

    Hi, i've seen a couple other threads about this but there seem to be old links in them. &nbsp;<br /><br />I'm going to be cutting a whole in the top of this chest of drawers to drop a sink in. &nbsp;My question what else do I need to get it flowing? &nbsp;I'm trying to do it as simple and cheap...
  9. F

    I am considering converting a suburban

    I've been looking around the forum and found a couple tid bits but does anyone have any advice for converting a suburban? &nbsp;I have been looking at vans for a couple months but recently started thinking about a suburban camper. &nbsp;If I did go the suburban route I would probably make a high...
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    Camping on BLM land

    <br /><br />Haha, can you really do this? &nbsp;Any caveats? &nbsp;Seems like a great idea.
  11. F

    Camping on BLM land

    Great info so far!! Thanks<br /><br />I do plan on visiting quartzsite and slab city. &nbsp;Both places look very interesting. &nbsp;The vice documentary guys just did a piece on slab city as well &nbsp; <a...
  12. F

    Camping on BLM land

    I know it has been talked about in other threads but I'm looking for more of a how to and some good places out west(nevada/cali/NM) to help out. &nbsp;I plan on hitting the road in september and this has been on my mind the past few days. &nbsp;I read you can only stay in one spot for 2 weeks...
  13. F

    clean water suggestions, sources, tips, etc

    I found this site that seems pretty legit.<div><br></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div>
  14. F


    Hey, dunno if this helps but here are some links i've discovered from cursing around this site and others for the past few months.<div><br></div><div><a href="*&amp;category=*&amp;keywords=112662&amp;x=0&amp;y=0" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(168, 214...
  15. F

    water container non-plastic

    <div>Just came across these bad boys and they are BPA free.. &nbsp;I think this is what I will be using for my running water. &nbsp;Mount the brick with a spigot above a sink connnected to a waste water tank. &nbsp;They also stack nicely for storage and can store food, &nbsp;another color brick...
  16. F

    traveling jobs?

    Hi Bob, &nbsp;What are some good websites to find these types of jobs?
  17. F

    Nevada Residency

    Don't they require you to be actually living there? &nbsp;I know obviously there are ways around that but for "legal"&nbsp;purposes&nbsp;I am curious. &nbsp;I read that in South dakota it is totally legit and the only requirement is that you bring a receipt from a hotel or campground to...