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  1. H

    Lost My Dad Over the Holidays

    As the old Gypsy saying says so well, you have to dig deep to bury your dad. Sure found that true when I lost my dad many years ago. Sorry for your loss.
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    WOOHOO! I'm Divorced!

    I am a marvelous housekeeper  Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house. - Zsa Zsa Gabor 1917 ~ 2016
  3. H

    Scam on Craigslist, while trying to buy rv

    Of course it's a scam, but it's not worth the hassle and the risk.  Most of these scammers are far more experienced at this game than you will ever be, and there are many sad tales of folks understandably but naively deciding to 'play with' them or 'teach them a lesson.'  This can and does...
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    Scam on Craigslist, while trying to buy rv

    In addition to the excellent tips ^ from DesertDweller above, here's another sure tip off: when they respond with some excuse about Craigslist not properly forwwarding their email responses to your question, or bouncing back the photos they supposedly tried to send, all aimed at the same thing...
  5. H

    Agree or Disagree? Life is too short to be uncomfortable

    Disagree.  Such a mindset has contributed to a growing population of people turning to drugs of all sorts - legal and illegal - to eliminate 'discomfort.' Discomfort is healthy.  It is the stimulus for growth.   For elaboration click the link below for a short 1-minute video.   click here
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    Insulating your van - Bob Wells Blog

    Woah!   My eyes must really be getting old.  I initially read the title of this thread as "Insulting your van."   I do that all the time anyway.  ;)
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    Whats up with the sex thing?

    As someone who has first-hand experience with a family member transitioning, I've mainly learned that you don't have to agree with or even understand a person to love them.  Love is unconditional. Regarding your post subject, I've also learned that strictly speaking, sex and gender are...
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    Hey Monique - really curious to hear how the van checked out for you? Still looking or think this might be the one?
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    My apologies if my previous post about 'doing it wrong' made you think you I was offended.   I was trying to be being sarcastic, which doesn't always come through clearly in writing.   Good for you for being clear and what you need and willing to take quick action to achieve your goals!  Carpe...
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    No, no, no - you're doing it all wrong, Monique!   AS a newbie you're supposed to spend months - if not years! - simply READING about vans and the nomadic life!!  One has to become an expert in every possible minute aspect of every conceivable variable of this new milieu and make sure all the...
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    ViaVacavi adventure vehicle build log

    Fantastic work, and love your creativity in materials and design! Mega-kudos!
  12. H

    Building Arabella

    Just finished reading the whole thread.  Kudos to you on making your dreams become a reality, and not letting your lack of tools or building experience, or the burden of arthritis hold you back!  Very inspiring! Looking forward to future updates.