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  1. G

    MPPT and Setting Them Up.

    Thanks Brian, I know many parts are farmed out to the lowest bidder. China or one of the poorer Asian Countries (Vietnam,Laos etc.) .... Nothing is ever as it seems. I haven't bought any controller yet, Morningstar is still in the mix. Thanks again, Rob
  2. G

    Question for CDL Truck Drivers Re: DOT physical

    No. People with prosthetic limbs pass the DOT physical as long as you can function with your limp or what ever ailment you have. Rob
  3. G

    Armed Forces Retirement Home

    Chuck, is something you would do? It looks good on paper and the rooms and menus are nice but is it 1500 dollars nice? I sent in a couple of questions, I would like to learn more. Thanks for the heads up. Rob
  4. G

    What made you happy today?

    No, she has a cat sitter. The cat is a hoot, she always tries to bolt out when the door opens so last night when my neighbor came over I told her to just the cat go. Cat races to the threshold of the door and stops, looks in every direction then crouches and ventures ten ft from the door, never...
  5. G

    Backpack Packing Taiwan Advice

    It's the right place for asking, whether or not you can get any information is a crapshoot. I will tell t you that if you look on the CIA's website you'll get the the latest advisories and things or places to avoid. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the customs of the country and...
  6. G

    What made you happy today?

    Good to see the progress, Matt. Rob
  7. G

    What made you happy today?

    After my thrilling conversation with the new manager here I spoke to one of the desk clerks while she was outside taking a smoke break. She told me this new manager was on an eviction kick, he had already given several notices. Gave me pause for thought. Since I pay monthly I'm covered by the...
  8. G

    You Ain't Right Club

    As the club gets larger maybe we should select officers. Let the nominations begin. Rob
  9. G

    Almost 65 and about to retire!

    Welcome.. I'm sure the RV life will be a hell of a lot more relaxing than your two prior occupations. Let us know how your progress goes. There are some very experienced folks here that will help if asked. Rob
  10. G

    Hats off to the Mods

    I'll chime in... I have been chastised a few times for my politically incorrect or perhaps just rude comments and all justified. I have asked for some of my comments to be deleted when I type before engaging my brain, always done as requested. I may not always agree with the deletions but I do...
  11. G

    MPPT and Setting Them Up.

    I have been called much worse. But thanks and thanks for the reply. Rob/Ron, what's in a name?
  12. G

    What made you happy today?

    It was where the original cable line came through, when my line went bad they simply drilled a hole in the bedroom and ran the line. Never sealed it or covered that hole. Can't expect much for $1000.00 a month. Rob
  13. G

    What made you happy today?

    Case in point Rob
  14. G

    What made you happy today?

    Yesterday I had a drip coming in from the apartment above me, the drain on his airconditioner was clogged and water was backing up and sending a steady drip onto my counter. I called maintenance and the asst manager and the maintenance guy came by. I had my Kukri, a form of a machete', on the...
  15. G

    MPPT and Setting Them Up.

    I noticed it was dated 09, I suppose it holds true today...I hope. I think I make this harder than it should be by overthinking it. But it seems like with each answer comes a question. I've got about $200.00 invested in batteries, nothing fancy or overly expensive but I still don't want to fry...
  16. G


    I didn't care for the class C I had a few years back but it was woefully underpowered. If you are skilled enough to do the interior work on a Promaster, why not? Now is the time to sell, several on the forum have been looking for vehicles. A small class C would be a selling point to many. A...
  17. G

    I'm sailing away

    Damn Queen you snuck that in ...I actually laughed. LOL hell, THAT was funny. Rob
  18. G

    I'm sailing away

    Still helping others... Build that Karma , My friend. Rob
  19. G

    Follow the leader?

    I should qualify my answer, following someone who is showing you something you don't know, such as solar for me and many other things I ask questions about. Leader when it's time to fish or cut bait. I guess it depends on ones point of view. Rob
  20. G


    Dogs are great.