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  1. AbuelaLoca

    Sold my house, bought a 1997 dodge van

    Welcome Susan! Congratulations on the van!!
  2. AbuelaLoca

    Future full-timer

    Welcome Schwoebs! Great start on your downsizing!! Waiting is the hardest part, but if you continue to be methodical, your rig will show up!
  3. AbuelaLoca

    Interested in the full time RV lifestyle.

    Welcome David! If you have 2 houses to sell, I'm thinking you can be pretty picky with your trailer! Maybe look into some custom build trailer manufacturers or just someone who can fabricate exactly what you're looking for!
  4. AbuelaLoca

    Wheelchair nomad in the making.

    Welcome, AJ. Where there's a will, there's a way!
  5. AbuelaLoca

    Hello folks

  6. AbuelaLoca

    Help getting on the road

    Welcome, WildBill... where are you located? Lots of the guys here can help you find good buys, but they'll need to know where you are!
  7. AbuelaLoca

    Trouble With my Transmission--What to do?

    For me personally, the physical ability to hook and unhook was a biggie! I just barely have strength to open a water bottle anymore! I also tried to think ahead to how I would be feeling in 3-5 years... I chose a high top so I wouldn't have to stoop and a van so I could just walk to the driver's...
  8. AbuelaLoca

    New Van New Vanner

    Very nice!!
  9. AbuelaLoca

    Black bear---sometimes the unexpected happens

    Wow... that's pretty scary since there was no food around!
  10. AbuelaLoca

    You Ain't Right Club

    I thought what happens in the park stays in the park???
  11. AbuelaLoca

    Howdy folks

    Are you a soggy bottom boy? Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your trip!!
  12. AbuelaLoca

    When a half baked plan works.

    Woo hoo!! Congratulations!! Come through Missouri, come through Missouri!
  13. AbuelaLoca

    Trailer repairs.

    I hope you decide to come through Missouri on your way home, Rob!!!! John and I can be pretty funny when we need to!!
  14. AbuelaLoca

    To the frozen Pizza ......

    But I think he's right :-D
  15. AbuelaLoca

    On the Road Cookbooks

    We need links, Beth :-) to the "water grill"!
  16. AbuelaLoca

    On the Road Cookbooks

    LOL... Yeah, I'm not looking for 5 course meals out there!! Love your 5 step meal, though!! My fear of meals on the road, I think, is mostly because I grew up in a house with 7 siblings, then raised 5 kids, and now I have to feed just 1. Just one with not a lot of refrigeration... just one...
  17. AbuelaLoca

    frends think i am loosing my mind

    I've had a few folks offer to let me live with them, or tell me to get a roommate so I won't be homeless... and I have a full time job! What part of "I WANT TO DO THIS" don't they understand?
  18. AbuelaLoca

    22 more days

    I'm excited for you! And a little jealous, of course!! LOL
  19. AbuelaLoca

    Trying to Figure this out

    Hey OneLife, there are a few of us in Central Mo! I am still working a full time job, but haven't been home many weekends since putting a bed in my van!! I hope to be traveling by this time next year, so the short trips are helping me find what I can and can't do without! Enjoy your journey!!