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  1. Where~the~wind~blows

    The Violent Cop Knock

    I like #23 idea too! I have magnets that I now put on my van or car that say <br><br>Search and Rescue K9<br>Training and Evaluations<br><br>Please call <br>and my number<br><br>Sidenote:<br>My ACD has passed her CGC and Agility test, now it's about finder her a handler that can handle her...
  2. Where~the~wind~blows

    Fire alarm

    I have mine mounted on a section of wood with velcro, I will take it off and put it on the floor, or outside if I can't open a window while cooking....<br><br>I will say the velco tape kind doesn't stick that great and I did end up putting a few staples to get the velco to stay on the wood..&nbsp;
  3. Where~the~wind~blows

    Women Only The Girls Room is for Women Only

    Yes it does, thank you!
  4. Where~the~wind~blows

    Location for RTR january 2013

    Nelda we may have differences of opinions, but I truly feel for you... 16 years, that's an era... I put my poodle of 16 years, down 2 years ago, and still have a hard time talking about her...she was a great dog. I hope another little heart finds it way to you if you so desire....
  5. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gender-based rooms

    Owl, we have lost a male moderator over this topic, and it's sad....
  6. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gender-based rooms

    sadly those rashes happen anywhere skin folds over skin....
  7. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gender-based rooms

    <strong><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;">A sub-forum related to women's issues hardly constitutes segregation.<br><br><br></span></strong><span style="line-height: 13.333333015441895px;">It does if men are not allowed to post, it is <strong><span style="color...
  8. Where~the~wind~blows

    Tribal Women

    Kate, my great grandmother was a Kiowa Indian, she was one of the children taken to&nbsp;Carlisle&nbsp;PA, to be deindianized, I am 12.5% today I am proudly an all american mutt, I love my native american history... and I know men had their traditions and women had theirs....I just will not...
  9. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gender-based rooms

    Rae, look at what the women have done here! we have placed a line in the sand that does not belong and I am now going to withdraw my vote to keep the woman's forum, because it's JUST NOT FAIR! period case closed! so please when you read the vote please -1 for the keep vote.... I am strong willed...
  10. Where~the~wind~blows

    Still Alive, I promise!

    Fluff glad to see your doing OK, just posted about not seeing you recently! Got any updated pics of Moose?
  11. Where~the~wind~blows

    The cat's out of the bag

    RV Kitty<br><br>Jack accepts and allows his cats to the free thinking free spirits that they are, and allows them to be the&nbsp;explorers&nbsp;they are&nbsp;genetically programmed to be. Me I don't like free roaming of any domesticated type pets! dogs, cats, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;Not because of the...
  12. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gender-based rooms

    Women and Men will always have special interests and issues, and I believe if a man wants to discuss man type issues then they should have an area to do so, Some woman may have the answer to a question, if they don't have something of value to add they should stay out of the...
  13. Where~the~wind~blows

    Home/holistic remedies

    My New years resolution well at least one of the was to learn more about foraging.... for food and medicinal purposes....a lot of good info has been posted here and I would like to go through each post and list what has been posted...&nbsp;<br><br><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>From...
  14. Where~the~wind~blows

    Any coffee addicts out there?

    I have been making coffee "tea" type bags with coffee and coffee filters! it works great! 1/2 teaspoon for an 8 oz cup, &nbsp;u can play with the ratio depending on your tastes..... &nbsp;&nbsp;
  15. Where~the~wind~blows

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Kadi, I really think nomadism is in peoples blood, I was a traveler at heart ever since I can remember, I just allowed so much to hold me back, I have regrets for not following my heart to it's full desires, but I am at peace with it. I know my day will come when I can spread my wings and fly...
  16. Where~the~wind~blows

    Pipeline gate guard jobs for singles

    Jack, what is a gate guard job? just opening and closing gates? just curious? .... &nbsp;
  17. Where~the~wind~blows

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Lifey, ditto what Dragonfly said! nice blog.... while I don't travel much currently, I do plan to do so at some point! I did want to point out while my dogs add security, they also add&nbsp; don't need a big dog, any dog that barks will deter most unwanted persons.
  18. Where~the~wind~blows

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Kadi, I don't travel much, but when I do, I have dogs which make me feel very safe, as I will usually stay at rest area's. I have never felt "taken" by a mechanic, maybe I have been lucky, I try like heck to keep my vehicles in good repair, and take care of the basics for my iron horses...
  19. Where~the~wind~blows

    Keeping Warm

    I stayed in my ford focus for a bit and found it easier to stay warm in a smaller vehicle, for me a wool blanket below and a cheap walmart sleeping bag, then a better sleeping bag on top, and a cashmere blanket ( a comfort thing for me) and a good pair of socks. Polar fleece pants, and a sweat...