Location for RTR january 2013

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Dec 12, 2010
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There is a now a final location to the RTR January, 2013. You can find a map to it here:<br><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ff;">http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Rendezvous.html</span><br><br>And on my blog here:<br><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ff;">http://cheaprvlivingblog.com/</span><br><br>I am there right now (along with 15 others) and you are welcome to join us at any time!!<br>Bob<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="http://cheaprvlivingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/RTR_Map_November_2012-1024x594.jpg" class="bbc_img"><br><br><br>
Yippee, any day now! Sadly, this year it will be without Kelly, our dog.<br> We are anxious to enjoy our old friends and meet the new ones!
Katie, and others who have inquired,<br>W had to make the decision to put our beloved Kelly down a few weeks ago.&nbsp; Eventho people still thought she was a pup, she was 16 and having alot of old age pain and troubles.&nbsp; She told us it was ok.<br>After she got her shot, she was so peaceful. No more pain.&nbsp; I began thinking that's not such a bad way to go....<br>Nelda
Nelda we may have differences of opinions, but I truly feel for you... 16 years, that's an era... I put my poodle of 16 years, down 2 years ago, and still have a hard time talking about her...she was a great dog. I hope another little heart finds it way to you if you so desire....
Nelda, We were wondering if that's why Kelly wouldn't be there. &nbsp;You and Jerry have our hearts ... John and Suanne