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  1. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    I have both posts and a bolt terminal for + and - on both batteries. I was considering a jumper from post to post and then using the threaded terminals for attaching primary wires.  This is what is on my starters. I would think something like this would be ideal. The house batteries have...
  2. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    Addendum:In which we learn that water and electricity don't mix and the importance of pressure And now, for your listening enjoyment, a musical interlude. The leaks that were leaking are still leaking. The ones I sealed are no longer leaking. I have found The Big Nasty and will seal it when...
  3. Z

    On the Road - There Goes My Diet

    My dad was a swell guy. "8 weeks!" he'd boast, "Every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner a home cooked meal!". I bet you can guess how many of those meals he cooked, or cleaned up after ... for six people. That's 336 meals. The night he made the four of us kids to eat raw squid he filched...
  4. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    I feel like I'm *THIS* close. By experimenting with some small pieces and getting my feet wet perhaps I am know ready to tackle my larger system and with some help get Cory350 built out too. Thanks all. It's suddenly pouring down rain so I have to go check for leaks! I will do the things. I...
  5. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    I am not buying anything else until it's mostly vetted. Part of my budget for the solar was tools and some materials to learn to use them. I don't want to brake the bank but I also need something much nicer than a project throw away tool.  Recommendations on products and or tutorials preferably...
  6. Z

    Being evicted from my aunts apartment needing help/advice

    If you're booting a Live Linux kernel off of USB sticks you might as well be performing black magic as far as most folks are concerned. So ... You obviously have access to some form of computing device. What sort of devices do you have access to and how reliable is your Internet connection...
  7. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    Sub Question #3 I'm going to need some battery maintenance tools. Aside from a hydrometer, a basic multimeter, and funnel to pour distilled water is there anything else I really need for the basic care and feeding of a flooded lead acid battery? This was recommended in another thread. I like...
  8. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    Sub question #2 The batteries have sat since purchase, about a month. I would like to set them to charge before I install them. I have a Battery Tender Plus battery charger and I am wondering if this model will charge a 6v battery. And if these are too big? ............ Answered my own...
  9. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    Sub question #1: Orientation The serial jumper should be very heavy and the ends of that cables need to be substantial.  The length of that cable is also of great importance especially considering the importance of it. There are three orientations that I can place the batteries, one puts the...
  10. Z

    The Install, Chapter One, Batteries

    It is time for the installation of my PV system and I need to acquire the last bits and pieces. I'm hoping that you fine people can help out. I have what I have. I'm not about to argue over replacing something unless it will save me money NOW or is somehow a fire hazard. I do want to plan for...
  11. Z

    The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

    Sometimes circumstances dictate the order in which things get done. It was hot and the rolls of Reflectix were in the way. The side of the bus that faces away from the side of the house is now well encased in the stuff as well as the windshield. I even managed two rows of the ceiling. Cutting...
  12. Z

    Being evicted from my aunts apartment needing help/advice

    I Ate the Haggis The Gourds Father used to tell me Don't go pissin on the apples That have fallen from the tree Cause you'll see that when yer hungry And yer backs against the wall A fallen apple ain't so bad To eat I ate the haggis by and by Hallelujah. My point is that when push comes to...
  13. Z

    Monthly Food Expenses

    Thanks. I was doing some yard work in my fat pants and a guy I met recently came over and was SHOCKED at how huge these pants are on me. As in held up with a belt pulled tight. I think he sort of doubted my claim of 80 pounds lost at this point and now believes. :) First off I reduced my food...
  14. Z

    Vantech Roof Mounts.

    I can not view that image without giving permission to an app to have access to the photo directory on my phone. Not gonna happen. Please upload picture to thread. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  15. Z

    Being evicted from my aunts apartment needing help/advice

    You are going to have some hurdles. If you have any prescribed opiates or pain killers things get a bit sketchy in homeless shelters.  What about food stamps, cash assistance, or other forms of assistance? Can you get to food banks? Do you have anywhere you can stay, even for a few months so...
  16. Z

    What would I need to do to enable my set-up to handle using a VitaMix?

    You CAN know wether the inverter will start it by measuring with a kill a watt. Spend the $20 spend a few minutes search8ng and reading about how to use it. Takes notes. Do the math You will KNOW everything you will need. Run the device for the longest toughest job you can imagine. This will...
  17. Z

    Colorado gtg July?

    It's like a group shower but also includes group tooth brushing and toe nail trimming. It's PNW thing. (That is just about the best typo/auto correct I've seen in a long time) Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  18. Z

    The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

    I've never heard that. Push comes to shove I will simply remove the running lights and cover with Endurabond tape and be done. I'm liking the idea of the higher up brake lights and turn signals. Now that I've figurted out which wires make the turn signals flash I should be able to simple splice...
  19. Z

    The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

    Today, with some help, I managed to get the tail lights, brake lights, and turn signals to work again. Tomorrow we tackle the interlock and try to figure out a few other mystery wires that have power. Using a circuit tester we were able to identify the wires with power then we were able to...
  20. Z

    The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

    All lights on rear are not working. Interlock is engaged and rig will not start. I am sas to say it is all my fault. I was a bit overzelouse with removing wireing. My mechanic is om his way. Fuel filter cap has snapped it's nut AND I can not figure out how to even reach the damn thing without...