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  1. eapvan

    Where to Acquire 5 Gallon (and other sizes) Buckets for Free or Cheap?

    If you're looking at the blue ones, they're not food grade. The white ones are, and from what I just saw on the website, they're 4.48 right now. Still, that's a whole lot cheaper than Tupperware.
  2. eapvan

    Non profit RV park

    It's a good idea, but comes with a lot of legal and insurance issues. I do like Bob's suggestion though. I've seen huge amounts of land on government surplus auction sites. Mostly in AZ. The parcels go super cheap too.
  3. eapvan

    Need all of your opinions! -MONEY-

    You're very welcome, and I wish you luck! Just be patient, and apply for everything. Don't forget to tailor your resume to match each job. Good luck!
  4. eapvan

    Need all of your opinions! -MONEY-

    I do phone and email based customer service, and some transcribing. I have a set schedule for the CSR position, and the transcribing is unscheduled, so I can work whenever I want to. I use a forum called Work Place Like Home. There are a LOT of job leads, and threads where people discuss...
  5. eapvan

    Need all of your opinions! -MONEY-

    I've been working online for a couple of years now, and I love it. I'm not traveling anywhere yet though, so I don't know how being mobile will affect my productivity. I hope it doesn't at all, and I do worry sometimes about how I'll get a good internet connection.
  6. eapvan

    SSI & vandwelling? (not sure if this is where I should ask...

    Here's a link from the Soc. Sec. website that deals specifically with your question: From what I can tell, you'll be eligible to receive the maximum amount, and there's something at the bottom about subsidized housing. I hope the...
  7. eapvan

    Where to Acquire 5 Gallon (and other sizes) Buckets for Free or Cheap?

    Getting a free bucket is one thing, but a food-grade bucket with a lid is like finding a Unicorn imo. It would be much easier to just try to save a few bucks, and then buy one from Lowe's or somewhere. I think the food-grade 5 gal. buckets with a lid are like 7 bucks or so. Maybe less. For a...
  8. eapvan

    Newbie From KY!

    Hey y'all! I've been lurking for a few days, and I must say, this place is awesome.  So much info, and such friendly folks! I don't have a mobile home yet. I'm still recovering from an injury, so I'm not sure what the future holds. I do know that my future needs to be fluid. I'll know what my...
  9. eapvan

    Best Refridgerator Solution?

    You've given me a lot to think about Stern. Thank you.
  10. eapvan

    Best Refridgerator Solution?

    I was thinking more of keeping the temp at around 32-38 degrees so I could use it as a refrigerator. Igloo makes a freezer that's 22.25 x 22.25 x 32.5, so I'm hoping I can find an old one about the same size.
  11. eapvan

    Sales Taxes in your area.

    It's 6% in Kentucky, but there's no tax on food or meds. Gas is a bit high though. This isn't exactly a Snowbird Paradise, but there are plenty of remote, beautiful places to go in the summer.
  12. eapvan

    Best Refridgerator Solution?

    Have any of you tried putting a temp. controller on a small chest freezer? From what I've read, the KWh usage becomes almost negligible. Here's a link I've saved so that I can try it as soon as I find a good used freezer for cheap...
  13. eapvan

    a big thumbs up to this forum!

    I'm a member on that other forum as well, and I saw your posts about the issue. It only seems to be two or three people that are so hostile to new members though. One of them is someone I've had problems with before, so I try really hard to ignore him. It was good of you to speak up, and the...
  14. eapvan

    Money Matters?

    There are a lot of jobs you can do via the internet. I use this forum: for job leads. You have to sign up to be able to access it, but it's free and painless. The amount of info there can be overwhelming, so just take your time reading through the...