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  1. S

    If you're short on construction skills but long on money...

    Plywood is actually coming down again
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    Have you lost your wallet?

    Love all the responses, you ladies though are funny as heck..
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    Have you lost your wallet?

    Well, I can tell you I THOUGHT I lost my wallet and thinking you lost your wallet has the same feeling of actually loosing your wallet untill that moment you find your wallet.. then it's a party!!! So last night could i find my wallet called the few places i went to, called the state police and...
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    Now Solar panels

    Now that I have a much better understanding of the charge controllers.. Let's talk Solar panels.. Here is the Million dollar question Are there solar panels the will produce with it being partially covered up? Such as partially parked under shade or partially covered with a tarp
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    Charge controllers

    Omg that's some funny crap.. yeah I have come to learn how to spot fake product, wish has solar panels and the specifications are absurdly off..
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    Charge controllers

    Yes I agree, I don't want to have to buy things twice.. and I certainly have taken your advice.. I looked at those controllers you mentioned in your break down.. and I didn't see where they had much of a customer service here in the USA..  Bcause I am such a novice with this, I would like some...
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    Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

    You know it's funny that you mention that product has mint.. I have heard that mint is a natural insect repellent.. so there is a health food store in the area that I am in.. when I was talking to the ladies in there they said the same thing..  Bit also that there are several essential oils...
  8. S

    Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

    Oh and after my first night, I definitely need to reorganize things.. and most likely I will look for a rooftop carrier.. the only problem with that is it will take up solar panel space.. unless there is a possibility of attaching a panel to the carrier..
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    Charge controllers

    @ 1shemp I am sure that is true.. however I will not be staying in this van more than a year or two.. I will get something larger.. so my thought is to try to purchase something that 1 I can expand with when I do get something larger @jimindenver So if I get just the controller you mentioned...
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    Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

    @nature Lover That is some funny shcit right there.. I definitely plan to do some screen also.. more so just so I can crack the windows for a little circulation.. And I imagine that will happen soon especially with the fact that I don't have any back up power at the moment.. but I have another...
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    Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

    Tried to post a photo but it wouldn't go through
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    Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

    Well first day out after my build not to bad, where I am though the deer flies are thick.  So at the moment I am in Tupper Lake, NY.  At a lake called horseshoe lake.. Not sure how long I will stay here.. but for the moment I am enjoying the peace a quiet
  13. S

    Charge controllers

    Yes I agree with you on the wiring, and I have planned out were everything will be going.  I don't know a lot about electrical things.  But I do know I don't want to undersize my wiring.  And I don't believe I have to this point.. and I will be adding fuses before I go much further.. especially...
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    Charge controllers

    @JiminDenver My plan is to add a solar panel and another 100AH AGM I would imagine the Victron Charger Controller your talking about will be fine with the future plans of my system.. And yes of course you are correct, I will add another solar panel.. once I get the full system, I really feel...
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    Charge controllers

    well what can I say guys, Sometimes my head is not on to damn tight, been going back and forth about my power situation.. I know I need power.. there i no question in that.. Will it happen immediately NO it will not.. But it does need to happen pretty quick..  So I think I have a basic idea of...
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    Choose only one

    Yes I would agree bullfrog.. with what I have now, I can certainly get by.. and yeah I totally agree there is cost in anything we do..  I really only need to get by for a couple of months come September I will have the system I want.  Possibly before that.. Honestly, it would be nice to have...
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    Choose only one

    Well for the moment I wilk be doing door dash, things of that nature.. will that be every day? No I doubt it..
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    Choose only one

    Your correct so, I need to figure out how to do things until I have the resources to do it correctly
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    Choose only one

    Well that is certainly good to know
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    Choose only one

    I know guys, not sure what I was thinking when I posted the question. In fact I don't believe it was the question I was trying to ask. My mind must have been mush at the time... Basically, I have some large purchases I need to make. And just trying to figure out which ones to purchase first...