Waste management ideas that might help...

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I know; what if you just strapped an outdoor crapper unto the back of the van.
Ya know... I've just hung my behind off the side of a boat, and dropped a load while cruising along. I think this method could be adapted to a van easily enough. 😱😨

Wait no... we need to be good clean sanitary citizens! Maybe a special "captain's throne" for a driver's seat that doubles as an automatic toilet/ poop bagging system? But then how do you dispose of the waste?

And pondering that I had an epiphany! You know, damn near every store these days has a driveup. So... you're cruising along and want a Big Mac, or you want to buy some weed, or maybe you need a prescription filled? You can do it all without leaving the comfort, safety, and security of you rig, right? You should be able to get rid of your :poop: just as easily. What if these places not only sold you stuff at the driveup but also took your bag of waste? For free of course, just to get our business. Then somebody from Waste Management could drive around and pick these up daily, and take them to the Great Methane Power Station.

Most people just flush their :poop: down the toilet... what a waste... :unsure:
Just drop the poop bags in the grocery trash bins. Ultimate recycling 😁
This thread has become filthy and silly, and has nothing to do with the Op's intent. The use of the asterisks to fly under the radar is obscene, too.
This thread has become filthy and silly, and has nothing to do with the Op's intent. The use of the asterisks to fly under the radar is obscene, too.
Pretty sure the OP is a bot. They've gotten a lot better, but the reply to maki had the "combative BS" setting turned up a bit high...

I think the auto censor is supplying the asterisks you see...
Pretty sure the OP is a bot. They've gotten a lot better, but the reply to maki had the "combative BS" setting turned up a bit high...

I think the auto censor is supplying the asterisks you see...
Wow...! Are you all really that dense about this idea, or am I just missing something...? I don't read maki's posts anymore as he has no regard for what I have said in my posts, but everyone else seems to be in some other places, not of this world. I know there are many products along the same line out there, but really...? Nobody gets it...?
I live on a farm all in hay that has tons of deer, geese, cranes, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels etc.that produce much more waste than my wife & I. How will you fix that? I was a very avid bear hunter & bear scat the size of a Coke can is 400# plus. I just feel all the bagging, drop off, emptying, recycling, shipping, reselling is just a useless load of crap IMHO 🤩😆🥳😁😁😁
The way you reacted to maki's helpful and informative post, showed us that you don't want that sort of response (and you are still acting like a bot), so we are entertaining ourselves.

I live on a farm all in hay that has tons of deer, geese, cranes, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels etc.that produce much more waste than my wife & I. How will you fix that? I was a very avid bear hunter & bear scat the size of a Coke can is 400# plus. I just feel all the bagging, drop off, emptying, recycling, shipping, reselling is just a useless load of crap IMHO 🤩😆🥳😁😁😁
Sky King,
Okay, I'm trying here, but I just don't get what it is you figure is so much of a problem with the idea. One thing that might help clear it up is the details about it... All the user has to worry about is buying his drinking water bottles, or soda pop bottles, or the relatively inexpensive accessory bags constructed with a built-in ring for processing... so once you're done using/filling your container of choice, you just store it for the drop-off whenever you feel like dropping the load at the nearest station. The machine does the rest. You wouldn't have to worry about that part of it.

If you're talking hobo van life, living without working for a living, without money for even a small box of bags to work with for this solution, that's different. I just figured there might be some people out there that like the van life and that actually work for a living out of their van, saving alot of rent money in the process. How do these jobless Vanlifers get around without hundreds of dollars a month for gasoline anyway moving around from campsite to campsite...?

Are you telling me that if a box of 50 specially designed bags costs 🤔 let's say $12.99, that the whole idea stinks...? That's just kooky...
The way you reacted to maki's helpful and informative post, showed us that you don't want that sort of response (and you are still acting like a bot), so we are entertaining ourselves.

Let me guess, you must be another one of those pesky moderators... The moderator profession is a most deplorable idea. Whoever came up with it should really be awarded a lifetime supply of bit#@$h slapping...
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Are you telling me that if a box of 50 specially designed bags costs 🤔 let's say $12.99, that the whole idea stinks...? That's just kooky...
I never mentioned price. Why go to all the trouble when waste disposal isn't a problem? Many Nomads crap in a bag & dispose of it like pet or baby waste. You're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. Why not go to the cities where the homeless crap on the sidewalk and fix that issue 😆
maki2, I wasn't aware I had posted anything that might offend anyone to such an extent to be deserving of such a bashing. Your reply was really offensive and should be reported. This thread needs to be closed. I'm out.

Let me guess, you must be another one of those pesky moderators... The moderator profession is a most deplorable idea. Whoever came up with it should really be awarded a lifetime supply of bit#@$h slapping...

Well which is it jv1597?

You want to report an offensive post..who would you be reporting it to, other than a moderator? Or maybe you want to have a thread closed, but who, other than a 'bitch-slapped' moderator is going to do that for you?

I think your holding your own in here: it's a topic that comes up now and then, and occasionally topics like this run off the rails. Nature of the beast...so to speak.

Don't take the ribbing and kidding as personal attacks...we have a good group of people here...but...they like to have a little fun now and then.

And as you may have noticed, we allow a very wide range of comments, even those that infer that some of us deserve a slap now and then...which might be the case, come to think of it.

Carry on.
Let me guess, you must be another one of those pesky moderators... The moderator profession is a most deplorable idea. Whoever came up with it should really be awarded a lifetime supply of bit#@$h slapping...
You can tell Those Pesky Moderators as It says Moderator twice & staff member just as sure as a Bear sh*ts in the woods. 😆😁🥳🤩🙃😗😭🥰😂🤣🫠🥹🙂↕️🧎🙋🚴🍀🌻🪵🚐🧭⛽🎆🧨🎖️💻



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JoinedMay 4
I never mentioned price. Why go to all the trouble when waste disposal isn't a problem? Many Nomads crap in a bag & dispose of it like pet or baby waste. You're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. Why not go to the cities where the homeless crap on the sidewalk and fix that issue 😆
💩... 😕?? 🦧
Hey, look there everybody...! It's another one of those moderators!... "👋💩"... <- Hello mister moderator, what do you say we go poopoo in a t-shirt bag and throw the bags away turned inside-out in a public waste receptacle in an effort to poison the public...?
We're everywhere....we're everywhere.

You mentioned earlier about this so called 'moderator profession'....well there might be PRO-fessional moderators out there, but I ain't one of em.

In fact I pay a yearly fee to the forum just like other paying members.

More of a hobby I guess...and BTW I generally side with the members (when it makes sense) when 'push comes to shove' between the members here and the forum owners and management.

The moderators here also delete a bunch of spam postings nearly every day from India, Pakistan, China and other countries, we move posts or delete them, or fix spelling errors when requested by a member who has made a minor error and would like it fixed, we respond to reports of inappropriate posts, usually by reviewing the complaint and only rarely do we take action by deleting posts.

And yes, if needed we can warn members or reduce membership posting privileges, but we rarely do either of those, mostly because we have a higher level of participation and generally well behaved members here.

Every now and then, a member will go 'off the rails' and we have to ban that person, to protect everyone else on the forum. That's not something we take lightly.

There's a very small team of us doing this work as volunteers, because we care about this forum and like to see it survive and hopefully benefit those who find enjoyment reading and posting here.

If you find our work 'deplorable', that is your opinion, and you are free to express it.

But in that case, why not set up an internet forum with no moderators at all, and see how that works out for you?

Let us know the URL when you get it up and running.
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If you find our work 'deplorable', that is your opinion, and you are free to express it.
Have you thought about bot detectors?

I know, it sucks to make a thankless job more complicated. 🙁 I started noticing them a couple years ago on various forums. They are definitely getting better now, and I think soon it will be really hard to tell bots from humans.

Granted I waste a lot of time already, but I'd rather waste it on actual people! I don't like it when people lie to me, and bots pretending to be human are 100% BS. What do you think?
Lol...yeah could be. There are methods to detect 'bots' based on something really simple:

How they move the cursor around on a web page before they click on a link, a button, or a 'captcha' for example. Humans kinda randomly move their cursor around while they think about what they want to do, bots are very precise and the cursor moves in straight lines, angles, or just 'jumps' to the desired spot on the page.

But I don't do any of the wizardry behind the scenes....that stuff is way above my pay grade.