The Big 5 personality traits linked to lifelong singlehood

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Well-known member
May 31, 2015
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Wayne National Forest, Ohio
Studies report that people who’ve never been partnered tend to be less extraverted, less conscientious, and more neurotic.

I'm sure a lot of nomads are single by choice. If you are, how does this information compare with your experience and motives for being or staying single ?

BigThink com

In 2023, 46.4% of American adults were single. The proportion of adults who have never been married has never been higher. Researchers sampled more than 77,000 individuals over age 50 to compare the Big Five personality traits of lifelong singles with those of people in a committed relationship. They found that lifelong singles reported lower levels of extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness compared to ever-partnered people and rated life satisfaction lower.

The Big 5 personality traits linked to lifelong singlehood

I have been single now for 7 years. Was in a 2-3 year relationship. I am 47 (48 this year). What's the definition of "lifelong" singles? During the 7 years I have been on two dates that didn't go further than that and a one night stand. Is 7 long enough to compare the points in the study.

Is this single without a pet? I have a dog. Because pets can affect those "points" in the personality traits I think . But to answer your question eDJ, I think I am on the more higher levels of the first three traits. I like going out to places to socialize. The last two traits I think I am on the lower levels. I like doing my own thing. The emotion I am more positive now than ever, less stress. Again I don't think 7 years of being single is enough time to assess.

My motive for being or staying single is probably I am picky. Looking for something that is not there, rare. A hopeless romantic.
I belong to a few fraternal organizations.(I can serve in the kitchen or at the bar) Two are more social leaning than the other where women are part of every event. The other women are about for events but not so much during meetings. (although there are female members in attendance for meetings)

I'm far from the "bar scene" but I do live in an area with a Univerity, and many other higher education establishments. (those are Business, Library, Nursing, VoED, Trade Schools, etc etc) So I have several social circles within these groups.
In the summer a lot of Teachers come to the Uni to renew their certifications (ongoing education as it's known) and I meet up with some of them who are also single by choice. (use meetup com and meet at the towns Art Galleries)

My only issue with this is in the introverted & openness slant the Big 5 presents. I'm with a more extroverted persoality and know other "single types" who are similar. Still I know many others who are commonly referred to as "shy" or "in their own little world", who are quite introverted. I was in High School with some of them (girls) who married in their 30's and generally to older men (age gapper's) who had been married before and were more outgoing.

I used to hear older people in my family coaching my two younger female cousins while explaining the "sweet spot" (age) to get married and to the age of the man in question. "Before becomming set in your ways" was the common expression then. (today I hear "anal" replacing.....set in your ways" as a catch-all term)

In past years I've had neighbors who had dogs and cats. I would feed them treats when they would visit and that worked out fine or me. But when they moved away they left the cat(s) and I rescued them or took them in and those have been my companions. I was never a "cat person" as such but cats can take care of themselves if I'm away so it works out for me....and the cat. If I'm going to be away for awhile I have a neighbor who will stop by and restock the food & water supply. (she's a singe mom with a grown up son who is on his own....and she intends to stay single for religious reasons).
I'm sure a lot of nomads are single by choice. If you are, how does this information compare with your experience and motives for being or staying single ?
I've been in 6 long term (3+ years each, one 19 years). Was single by choice from 27-33 years old, and have been for the last 4 sorta by accident. I do very well on my own but also fall in love easily, which makes me susceptible to getting snagged again! I do think about where I've been with relationships and what I've learned, and I just don't know if there would be any point.

Women are sneaky, and I don't think they even realize it... being mostly a subconscious automatic lizard brain level thing. I know exactly what I want, and I don't keep it a secret... but whatever is they want is a mystery to both of us... that never gets resolved.
Thought I'd post this here when I saw it. A guy's point of view, "What Men Wish Women Knew". (as I'always seeing "what women wish men knew" articles) Single guys may find this gratifying. I don't know how women would experience it but feel free to comment. Feedback is important. :)

1. If you like us, don’t play hard to get. Just say yes or no. Simple.

2. When you call us at work or when we’re busy “just to chat,” we’re not really paying attention.

3. No, we don’t remember what he said, she said, or anyone said. We’re normal guys, not tape recorders.

4. Questions like “Am I looking fat?” confuse us and make us feel helpless.

5. We sense danger when we hear, “Do you think she’s pretty?”

6. Don’t get upset about our love for cricket or football. We love you, but cricket is like our first love—just like you love shopping.

7. The jerk you feel when the bus brakes suddenly is because of physics, not our intentions. But we’ll still apologize because you feel offended.

8. Phrases like “You deserve better than me” or “I’m not right for you” annoy us. We chose you because we love you. Don’t decide for us—we made the right choice.

9. We feel happy when you cook for us. :)

10. We love it when you’re excited and make those cute “EEEE” or “Awww” sounds.

11. Not every man staring at you is a pervert. Sometimes, we’re just stunned by how beautiful you look. Don’t assume—all men are not the same.
Thought I'd post this here when I saw it. A guy's point of view, "What Men Wish Women Knew". (as I'always seeing "what women wish men knew" articles) Single guys may find this gratifying. I don't know how women would experience it but feel free to comment. Feedback is important. :)

9. We feel happy when you cook for us. :)
Also, I feel happy when I cook for someone - as long as she's a normal level of appreciative about it. No need to go on and on, just a smile and a "thanks, babe - that was good!" That kinda goes for most things in both directions ;)

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