Veterans Day

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Well-known member
May 6, 2016
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To all those that in the past, presently and in the future give up their freedoms and more for a period of time to serve so that hopefully all may have the opportunity to live free. Thank you from one that knows what that means.
Served in US Military 1972-1983. Almost 11 years total, 6 yrs overseas; 5yrs in combat zones.
Technically with USAF Pararescue Units tho worked mostly with joint DoD SF units and actually received a couple checks that were cut by the US Navy. I never ever did figure that one out but apparently I was in on something that the Navy got charged for. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 but hey as long as the check don’t bounce. 😎

Sooo long ago……..
jonny boi
THANK YOU vets, The bottom of my heart! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have the freedom to be nomads, would we? God bless all the vets today and their families who sacrificed too. Bless all the gold star, mothers and fathers. It’s about time the Senate and House got off their butts and started really taking care of vets. I have friends whose daughter is in the service back-and-forth overseas quite often and her family takes food stamps to try to make Ends meet. I say we cut the Politicians salaries Way back and give it to the vets. At the risk of being censored, and being political, whether you are on his side or not, our last president gave every cent of his salary to veterans. Please moderators keep this post. I’m not campaigning I’m just saying there’s one thing he did right.
I served for 15 years, taking an early retirement in 1995. I would not have missed it for the world! I have visited or lived in 10 countries. I served so others could reap the benefits of freedom. Its nice to be recognized for my contribution and it was my honor to serve you. Its sad that we are losing so many veterans to suicide each year.
Truly the few holidays that really means something to me. And should be for all. Guess what the other one is hehe meh. I still got to work though. Have family members who served.

Happy Veterans Day! How about this. When I come across a person who served tomorrow after work when I go to Armistice. I'm buying him or her a drink. Least I could do.

A Saint for Veterans Day

by Steele Brand
November 11, 2022​

Veterans Day is about more than mere jingoism—it is also an opportunity for reflection and healing. “Being patriotic on a day like November 11 must mean more than strong words or flag-waving with no actions or commitments,” Brand wrote. “This shallowness can only be countered by citizens who embody what every republic should represent and how any citizen should treat a fellow human being.” For an example of this kind of self-sacrificial patriotism, he looks back to the story of Martin of Tours, a Roman soldier who “used military discipline and martial courage to fight for people’s souls and defend justice for average people.
Thank You Very Much to All who Served! A little humor.

Veterans Say the Funniest Things That Will Make You Laugh | Fabulous Things for Seniors​

I lafft out loud to the MRE joke…….
Dude when I was in they were called C-Rats and K-Rats.
That MRE thing didn’t arrive till after I was gone; part of that Modern Technology stuff, I guess?

Thanks to all the Veterans!

Many of the stations I work on HF (ham radio) are Veterans, a lot of my friends are Veterans also.

I tell them often, thanks for your service. Especially today.

And thanks to many of our members here on the forum also! You guys and gals ROCK!