Camping Rules and Regulations

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I do not think anyone is being deliberately punished.
Threatening someone of obviously low means with a $5k fine, for such a minor thing... it's heavy handed BS. Really over the top.

I read that Gavin Newsome is clearing homeless encampments in California, and where I live that has also recently occurred.
This is something I support. But we are talking in this thread about people who are respectful of the land, and have enough wherewithal to pay their way, camping in remote areas, but are low on the food chain. Something I think we can relate to.

I can completely sympathize with communities that want to end the practice of full time campers and homeless dominating all the public land around them... and trashing it. But this is something else...
The ultra wealthy need to contribute to improving the work force’s lives and their children’s education and training as they will be necessary for a better America in my opinion.
It's not tricky at all. From the early 1930s to mid 1970s, we did this very well. Since then, it's been a "game" for the rich see how much they can extract from us. But the reason why that earlier period worked so well, was not because "the people" had any power, but because the oligarchs needed a very strong, patriotic, wealthy middle class, and a world leading economy, in order to acheive world hegemony. Once that was achieved...

Our democracy has always been just negotiating what is leftover, after the oligarchs have gotten what they want. It's become laughably ineffectual lately though, through targeted and very effective manipulation, and increasing corruption. Divide and conquer. I can't believe that anyone with intellectual honesty could take this circus seriously.
I think all that is true for many, bullfrog, but not all.

Wages need to be better, and we need more affordable housing, which address many issues.

As a struggling single parent back in the day, I’m not sure how we survived, quite honestly, but we did, I went back to college, got a better job, and things improved.

Working 2-3 jobs wasn’t an option because I was my kids only involved parent, for one thing, and the cost of childcare would have prohibited more work.

Many needs, many issues needing addressed.
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I don’t think people are being “punished”, either, but it’s a logical consequence of so many people trying to live in our forests.

I read that Gavin Newsome...intervention for those struggling...

Our public lands are not meant for that.
That gavin newsom.
That French Laundry restaurant -- during the worst epidemic in the history of the whole dang planet -- without a mask (aka 'face-mask') caricature of a real human.
As an optimist, I tend to avoid putting too much hope in the government agents.
We lived in forest for several million years, thousands of generations.
We need forest, we thrive in forest.
Forest is our home.
Our 'public' lands were engineered specifically for our species.
Denying that is illogical.
Dope-fiends have no struggle getting dope.
....nother example of chaos-making [emphasis added] I think... which caused this problem in the first place... and instead of fixing that, they hassle people who... aren't the problem..
Nailed it [taps side of nose]!
Almost as though the BureauOfJustifyingOurExistence needs to create problems so they can propose solutions.
Those 'solutions' always require taxes and control.
Eugene Oregon.
We see chaos-making by Parking Control (that word again) chasing campers one street to another.
Animal Control (that word again) is delighted to seize pets from campers.
Do we have a Bureau Of Thought Control?
Not yet?
Well, it's probably a safe bet Hive drones are working on it..
...Our democracy...[why would] anyone with intellectual honesty...take this circus seriously.
In theory, Americans live in a Constitutional Republic.
Real-World, Americans temporarily tolerate mob-rule (aka 'democracy') by the lowest common denominator (aka 'city-folk' and 'RulingParasites' (some overlap)).
And 'yes', pretty much this entire planet is Clown World.
keyword : gavin newsom
keyword : unburdened by what was [waves left hand behind head]
An aside:
If anybody ever took me serious, I would be terminally disappointed.
Buzz-kill notice:

This thread is about camping rules and regulations...but, it's turning political.

We already have a section for politics and controversy, so please stay on topic in this thread as much as possible.

Off-topic items are subject to deletion OR being moved into another thread at any of the moderator's discretion.

Just a heads up.

Alternatively, and at OP request, this entire thread can be moved into the political section.
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This is just the beginning of the end of a good thing. I witnessed this in the trucking industry in the 90's. Back in the early 90's we could park our rigs at almost any shopping plaza, walmart, industrial area, etc... without much issue.

Due to the nature of vile people they started leaving thier trash, pee bottles & shit bags, doing oil changes & repairs leaving a mess of oil, trans, coolant & parts on the ground.

Now we have very few walmarts, shopping plazas, industrial areas that still allow truckers to park big rigs. The same thing is happening with the "nomad" community.

BLM & States are closing more and more land due to "LAND RECLAMATION PROJECTS" also Homeless Encampments, and vile people leaving thier trash and fixing / building thier make shifts RV's right in the forest, desert, walmart, etc...

People should not be doing van builds on BLM land or on any business property. If you need to make an emergency repair to get you out that is ok. But to change your oil or rebuild your engine no. You are part of the problem.

The "Bob" has glorified this lifestyle and helped to destroy it as he made a boatload of money doing it. So he is happy and laughing all the way to the bank. It will just keep getting worse with more and more restrictions and closures. All good things come to an end eventually.

My advice is buy land in RV friendly areas. Places where the NIMBY PEOPLE have not decided what you can and can not do on your own land.
This is just the beginning of the end of a good thing. I witnessed this in the trucking industry in the 90's. Back in the early 90's we could park our rigs at almost any shopping plaza, walmart, industrial area, etc... without much issue.

Due to the nature of vile people they started leaving thier trash, pee bottles & shit bags, doing oil changes & repairs leaving a mess of oil, trans, coolant & parts on the ground.

Now we have very few walmarts, shopping plazas, industrial areas that still allow truckers to park big rigs. The same thing is happening with the "nomad" community.

BLM & States are closing more and more land due to "LAND RECLAMATION PROJECTS" also Homeless Encampments, and vile people leaving thier trash and fixing / building thier make shifts RV's right in the forest, desert, walmart, etc...

People should not be doing van builds on BLM land or on any business property. If you need to make an emergency repair to get you out that is ok. But to change your oil or rebuild your engine no. You are part of the problem.

The "Bob" has glorified this lifestyle and helped to destroy it as he made a boatload of money doing it. So he is happy and laughing all the way to the bank. It will just keep getting worse with more and more restrictions and closures. All good things come to an end eventually.

My advice is buy land in RV friendly areas. Places where the NIMBY PEOPLE have not decided what you can and can not do on your own land.
"Places where they cannot decide what you can and cannot do on your own land."
Hmm, I didn't think such a place still existed in the US. Not asking you to do all the research here, but might you be able to give at least one example of where such a place exists? (Just an honest straightforward question; I'm wanting to learn here, - not score points - Thank you)
"Places where they cannot decide what you can and cannot do on your own land."
Hmm, I didn't think such a place still existed in the US. Not asking you to do all the research here, but might you be able to give at least one example of where such a place exists? (Just an honest straightforward question; I'm wanting to learn here, - not score points - Thank you)
Have to do your due diligence. Lots of places you can buy land but verify the counties regulations first. Also, make sure there is no HOA that has a bunch of rules and regs. Most places do not allow fulltime RV living on your own property.

There still are places to buy land with no regulations. However, they can always change the regulations in the future.
To me this all seems like rules are targeting the wrong people, while ignoring the people who are actually making a mess. The ones turning the forests into trash dumps are a different crowd entirely.
They ruined it for all that is the way it happens. Same with truckers ruined walmart parking. The amount of trash, pee bottles & shit bags, & doing maintenance/ repairs & leaving a mess behind.

Also, The "Bob" helped by promoting the lifestyle increasing the number of people doing it. Authorities get scared when large crowds of people are doing things they can not monitor so they shut it down.
There still are places to buy land with no regulations. However, they can always change the regulations in the future.
Yes, the poorer and further off the radar a place is, the more likely you can do what you like. I think there are federal codes and regulations that would cover every inch of the country, so you would never be technically "legal" but if no one is enforcing code in the county, then you shouldn't be bothered.

Also, The "Bob" helped by promoting the lifestyle increasing the number of people doing it.
Sadly this is true. I think his heart was in the right place and he wasn't promoting it to "make money", but he didn't think through the consequences if it became popular. It's a nice thing for an individual, but not viable for the masses.

I fulltimed in a little pickup for over a decade starting in 1990. It was definitely not a "thing" then. Though I did tell people about it in person, and thought it was pretty wonderful, I sure as hell wasn't dumb enough to preach the virtues on the internet!

This is Baja, but... a good example of what happens. Had this beach all to ourselves for over a month; absolutely gorgeous place. Now it's a frickin' zoo. It hasn't become a homeless camp, but still... I didn't tell a soul where this was...


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Yes, the poorer and further off the radar a place is, the more likely you can do what you like. I think there are federal codes and regulations that would cover every inch of the country, so you would never be technically "legal" but if no one is enforcing code in the county, then you shouldn't be bothered.

Sadly this is true. I think his heart was in the right place and he wasn't promoting it to "make money", but he didn't think through the consequences if it became popular. It's a nice thing for an individual, but not viable for the masses.

I fulltimed in a little pickup for over a decade starting in 1990. It was definitely not a "thing" then. Though I did tell people about it in person, and thought it was pretty wonderful, I sure as hell wasn't dumb enough to preach the virtues on the internet!

This is Baja, but... a good example of what happens. Had this beach all to ourselves for over a month; absolutely gorgeous place. Now it's a frickin' zoo. It hasn't become a homeless camp, but still... I didn't tell a soul where this was...
That looks like an awesome place to camp. I agree the early 90's I could park my rig almost anywhere . Now it is a mad dash to get off the road by 1500 to 1600 if you want a parking spot at the truck stop.
Van Life became popular DESPITE Bob Wells showing all the poor, desperate for housing folks, who were trying to live in their cars, accept a life of pooping into buckets and trying to figure out how to hide in plain sight while keeping from freezing to death or dying of heat stroke.
Van Life became popular DESPITE Bob Wells showing all the poor, desperate for housing folks, who were trying to live in their cars, accept a life of pooping into buckets and trying to figure out how to hide in plain sight while keeping from freezing to death or dying of heat stroke.
Well you might be right but I think Bob kicked off the popularity. Then all the youtubers started to glorify it and dying to make a buck off of it. It was a domino effect.

Don't get me wrong I am glad people found another way of living. However you always get the bad actors the I don't care about anyone but myself people that ruin it for all.
Really a lot of the people have been forced into the lifestyle due to the high cost of traditional housing and the lack of alternatives these last few years and really lack the knowledge or attitude to do it right. A few of us were doing this most of our lives or at least for a portion of our lives simply because we were young and adventurous then later because it made financial sense and finally because it was what we were good at and enjoyed the freedom.
Van Life became popular DESPITE Bob Wells
He's a very prominent promoter and the demographic he speaks to is the same one where the trash heapers come from. It probably would have happened without him because he is far from the only promoter, but...
Really a lot of the people have been forced into the lifestyle due to the high cost of traditional housing and the lack of alternatives these last few years and really lack the knowledge or attitude to do it right. A few of us were doing this most of our lives or at least for a portion of our lives simply because we were young and adventurous then later because it made financial sense and finally because it was what we were good at and enjoyed the freedom.
I agree. If somebody is "forced into it" then they are most likely too dysfunctional in general to be a responsible van-dweller.
Well you might be right but I think Bob kicked off the popularity. Then all the youtubers started to glorify it and dying to make a buck off of it. It was a domino effect.

Don't get me wrong I am glad people found another way of living. However you always get the bad actors the I don't care about anyone but myself people that ruin it for all.
I will agree that BobWells definitely helped increase the number of people living in vans who have tried to generate income with a YouTube channel.