Reason - Why there such a growth in vehicle living.

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Why am I and a lot of people I know living in an RV? Because it can be cheaper than a sticks and bricks house as well as a smaller space which is easier to maintain. Add to that it makes higher paying seasonal work easier to get and allows one to become part of a unique community that has several living options including travel which for many is desirable. If you are living in poverty a financial slave to a piece of property and material things or just have extremely low income then it can be better than living on the streets especially since there are more job opportunities being mobile. As more and more retired people hit the road and more and more people get into financial difficulties it seems to me logically people trying to stay or get financially solvent while retiring or learning to manage their resources better look at living in a vehicle. This country’s social services safety net has many holes that many that don’t really value vehicle living fall into forcing them into a vehicle or the streets. Lots more older poorer population it seems today willing to sell sticks and bricks house at a high price and hit the road!
As promised, here are some resources. These are not in any particular order --- feel free to just grab any one and have a look.
Some how-to-not-get-fooled advice
“How to spot fake news” (International Federation of Library Associations)
“How can I identify misinformation?” (Arizona State University) (scroll down to the Frequently Asked Questions section)
“Is this source reliable?” (Modern Language Association)
Some fact-checkers
Snopes ---
PolitiFact ---
Associated Press fact-check page ---
Duke (University) Reporters Lab (more of a deep dive with lots of fact-checking sites)
Morgana, Here's what I fear will happen in the U,S. It's already happened in Sweden. Also a guy I follow on YT from Norway as this is a worldwide problem.
I’m not sure what you’re grateful for other than this forum as a place to post your crap. I stop being a supporting member of this forum, because of political nonsense and rants. I am now going to stop being a member at all while I do get valuable tips and enjoy sharing what little I know. I certainly don’t need the frustration of hearing from Voice is like yours everybody on this website. Everyone on this form should be grateful for Voices like Morgana Take the time to reply with thoughtful and factual responses. Others just believe your crap.
They're draining money from poor citizens!
I didn't see that mentioned anywhere, but the article seemed like a fair enough intelligent summary... and mentioned that illegal immigrants cost more in benefits than they pay in taxes over their lives, and it's worse if they become citizens and collect SS. And that they are in no way a boon to current citizens economically.
I am now going to stop being a member at all
Aww don't do that! You could just put the people you can't learn from on Ignore.
Hopefully most people are 💡💡💡 enough to take the Chicken Little rants with a grain of salt.
Stick around, dude.
I didn't see that mentioned anywhere, but the article seemed like a fair enough intelligent summary... and mentioned that illegal immigrants cost more in benefits than they pay in taxes over their lives, and it's worse if they become citizens and collect SS. And that they are in no way a boon to current citizens economically.
If you look at charts you see the $$$ spent on illegal migrants cutting into available welfare funds for U.S. citizens & legal immigrants. I know several people from Mexico that came here to work on farms, worked hard, did well & are top notch family people now U.S. citizens that don't like the illegals either.
The majority of people from other nations I have seen while working beside them in this country are being taken advantage of by American employers and their own governments lying, cheating and stealing from them. It has been worse and slowly gotten better over the years but no way are the ones I’ve been associated with gotten more tax dollars in help than they left here in taxes if they were ever paid on the books to begin with. Not to mention the taxes they paid to make purchases while here. Even the well off educated ones pay huge amounts to come visit and work seasonally just to be ripped off by the companies that hire them. Just a personal observation but from my view point the large companies doing this should be taxed to cover the costs of immigration as they are the ones profiting off the situation.
Bullfrog, please carefully read the .gov article I posted & learn the truth. Also the Swiss article. I value your opinion but you need the true facts. Thanks!
If you want someone to take your evidence seriously, here's one good way to go about it:

(1) The fact I want to share is _______.
(2) The source for this fact is ______ (and if you share a long video or report, point to the specific time in the video or page in the report).
(3) The reason I believe this source is trustworthy is ______.

I mean, you don't have to say it exactly like that or impersonate a constipated librarian --- but if you give those three bits of information people can see for themselves exactly how you reached your conclusions and decide whether they agree with you.

And it's not the end of the world if people end up disagreeing with you. There are people here who ENJOY disagreeing and I say MORE POWER TO THEM it's how things should be. If we already knew everything, why bother to get out of bed in the morning?
Ruff ^^^

His ancestors kinda were, so...

Ruff.....she lived in a "China-Centric" environment before she came here . She couldn't understand (or half way believe) the stuff people here were telling her about Chinese history that they had learned of in school. Chairman Mao was responsible for that according to her husband . She hadn't heard of "American Indians" or as we refer to them today as "Native Americans". To her it was like, why do you call them Indians if they didn't come from India ?

What would make sense to us in the USA was beyond her scope of comprehension. Her husband explained that she knew very little about China's history beyond Chairman Mao's China....the history he wanted them to know.
definitely a drain on the economy at this point, not a bonus.

My guess is that it wouldn't even buy an F35 fighter.... I suspect this is the same as the welfare argument, where in the expenditures are puny compared to the money we spend on the military... ??
Just a personal observation but from my view point the large companies doing this should be taxed to cover the costs of immigration as they are the ones profiting off the situation.
Like usual, get the public to fund your expenses, and pocket the profits. Of course they mistreat illegals! Especially the ones who risk deportation if found out.

The only good reason for citizens to support poorly educated immigrants is charity. That is a valid reason! And instead of making up a bunch of BS about how it helps us economically, people who want to support it should do so with action... actually sponsor them and help them get settled and employed. Legally!
My guess is that it wouldn't even buy an F35 fighter....
Maybe not, but why conflate the two?

Actually a F35 costs ~$100M and we've added over 2M illegals net in the last two years. I doubt $50 a person will cover it. $50k per person would be $100B.
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Bullfrog, please carefully read the .gov article I posted & learn the truth. Also the Swiss article. I value your opinion but you need the true facts. Thanks!
Once again I did watch and read. Yes immigration problems do exist but mainly in my opinion because our government ( recently Congress ) refuses to act nationally to solve the problem. Individuals as was mentioned previously do sponsor and do volunteer work to help other individuals but can’t deal with the numbers required to do so on a national basis. My personal experience tells me there are good people being prevented from legally becoming citizens who come here illegally simply because our system is so impossibly slow and overly complicated. The bad ones are just like the bad citizens already here. Dealing out justice is a problem that needs fixing as well. The cost to do so depends on how well our government works so consider the promised results opposed to the real results. It won’t be hard to do as only one party seems to be able to get anything done in my opinion and sadly it isn’t the one I have supported in the past. If you think we can isolate ourselves from other peoples problems in the world I feel you are sadly mistaken. Desperate people do desperate things!
I believe Immigration is driving up housing cost out of reach for many U.S. citizens!
It's hard to find up to date numbers but looks like 17 million Illegals as of a year ago & about 9 million from 2021 from the north & south borders.
There are about 44 million immigrants in the United States. · About one in every eight U.S. residents (13.5%) is foreign-born. The Immigrant Learning Center › quick-us-immigration-statistics Did you know the U.S limited immigration for many years starting in 1917 & lasting for many years? of immigrants,of the 1890 national census. Below is just a YT opinion of the housing market & economy.
Once again I did watch and read. Yes immigration problems do exist but mainly in my opinion because our government ( recently Congress ) refuses to act nationally to solve the problem. Individuals as was mentioned previously do sponsor and do volunteer work to help other individuals but can’t deal with the numbers required to do so on a national basis. My personal experience tells me there are good people being prevented from legally becoming citizens who come here illegally simply because our system is so impossibly slow and overly complicated. The bad ones are just like the bad citizens already here. Dealing out justice is a problem that needs fixing as well. The cost to do so depends on how well our government works so consider the promised results opposed to the real results. It won’t be hard to do as only one party seems to be able to get anything done in my opinion and sadly it isn’t the one I have supported in the past. If you think we can isolate ourselves from other peoples problems in the world I feel you are sadly mistaken. Desperate people do desperate things!
I don't mind immigration but do mind uncontrolled, un-vetted & illegal people jumping borders. Here's a immigration chart & we can control the Illegals
^^^but one wants to stay there permanently and not be held to account at all while his party ransacks what is left of the country by force. I believe there are still smart people out there wanting to better not only themselves but this country even those that are not citizens and welcome anyone willing to try to make this world and our country a better place by protecting and upholding our Constitution.
I agree & hope he's voted out this Nov. BTW some rude person called me Mr Trump. For the record I'm an Independent & have always voted for the candidate not the party after much research. I really don't like either of the 2 main parties & the other 4 parties don't have a chance.
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