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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2019
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Well, through some very questionable decisions made by express employment, the work environment at digikey makes this less of an ideal situation that before. They basically forced an entire shift to not only change shift, but to also accept a $3/hr paycut. $18/hr is still something, but probably not worth it all things considered. You can check the reviews left at Express Employment to see what people are saying for yourselves, lots of justifiable anger.

Just a heads up to those thinking on digikey.
Never worked for them but the company I worked for ordered much electronic gadgetry and widgets from them frequently, with good results.

Not surprised to hear they're "tightening the belt" at their employee's expense...
That is between Digikey and Express employment. Temp agencies often have contract changes at the end of a year with the various companies that use them for temp hires. Situation normal when there is not a crushing need for temp workers.
My answer for years, If you don't like your job, Get one you do as it's not doing you or the company any good for you to be an unhappy employee.
My answer for years, If you don't like your job, Get one you do as it's not doing you or the company any good for you to be an unhappy employee.
When the pay is good and the health benefits are good and you have hungry mouths depending on you then your own personal happiness with the work or the company you work for is not the highest of priorities. You just “suck it up” and get the job done one day at a time as long as the job is not a total misery. Hopefully better opportunities come along but depending on the economy or the location there might not be a lot of other options with equal pay and benefits.
Is complaining about on a forum going to change it? People need to be happy so if a job makes you unhappy get one you like. I've an employee, a boss & a business owner & all have good & bad days & issues.
Is complaining about on a forum going to change it?
It might change it over time, because it can give ppl encouragement to either A) start researching how to unionize the place or B) let others know to not apply to work there in the first place. If they lose enough workers, they may change their pay, benefits, schedules... basically their work conditions.
2 people posted that work there. 1 hates it, 1 likes it. Sounds like they work thru an employment service. Good luck on unionizing!
2 people posted that work there. 1 hates it, 1 likes it. Sounds like they work thru an employment service. Good luck on unionizing!
People in a similar situation who work full time for a company (not for an agency) might be inspired by the discussion. What's wrong with sharing his experience in a forum? This forum reaches thousands and many, if not most, are working class.
There are a lot of $h|tty jobs out there and there isn't always a better one available. I have this weird memory snapshot from literally 50 years ago somebody saying "Doin' the best I can with what I've got" and that still seems to sum it up. You can never tell when a piece of good luck will come your way and you've gotta be ready to grab it when it does... just like you have to keep pushing in the meantime to try and make that good luck happen. But some things are out of your control, and there's nothing wrong with being realistic about that. "Complaining on a forum" is kinda what we're here for, among other things. Feedback about conditions in jobs for nomads could be very valuable to others.

For a lot of people it /is/ a crappy job market, not just some innocent temporary bad match. But the better option could be just around the corner. No need to give up, and no need to shut up in the meantime. If you have a chance at a skills training that would give you more bargaining power, that might be one good thing to pursue. Stay loose, keep having adventures, and good luck!
I am confused, doing some internet research Digi-Key seems to be the company that is doing the temporary camper employment program. From what I read the employee hiring interface is done by Unbeetable, the same company that does a lot of hiring for the beet fields.
Some posts above seem to be confused as to why the DigiKey information is relevant to this forum. In the past DigiKey was cited as a Nomad-friendly employer on this forum, CheapRVLiving YouTube videos and the RTR, and since things have apparently changed for working temp at DigiKey, that information is potentially helpful to others to be aware of when looking at work opportunities as a Nomad. I think they also had a booth at the Big RV Tent show in Quartzsite in the past. Other employers who allowed Nomads to live out of their RVs and other vehicles while working for them include Amazon and the Sugar Beet harvest. The wage cut from $21 to $18 dollars an hour may still be worth it to some people who want to work without having to pay to rent an apartment.
Well, through some very questionable decisions made by express employment, the work environment at digikey makes this less of an ideal situation that before. They basically forced an entire shift to not only change shift, but to also accept a $3/hr paycut. $18/hr is still something, but probably not worth it all things considered. You can check the reviews left at Express Employment to see what people are saying for yourselves, lots of justifiable anger.

Just a heads up to those thinking on digikey.
I worked at Digi Key for about 2 months last year and left … It was absolutely horrible.

The Supervisors for Express at Digi Key treat people like utter garbage … The way they speak to people is awful … They lead by fear and bullying.

Called the Express office one day and explained to the lady what was going on and she said, “if you don’t like it leave” and so I did.

It’s not right
Just like some folks said, if you don’t like it quit move on.. You create it all..
I worked at Digi Key for about 2 months last year and left … It was absolutely horrible.

The Supervisors for Express at Digi Key treat people like utter garbage … The way they speak to people is awful … They lead by fear and bullying.

Called the Express office one day and explained to the lady what was going on and she said, “if you don’t like it leave” and so I did.

It’s not right
Interesting. Not my experience at all. They, however, have poor communication skills and seem to have trouble putting together a coherent paragraph. Often when I read their emails, more questions are raised than answered! Exaggerating for humorous effect, of course.
People in a similar situation who work full time for a company (not for an agency) might be inspired by the discussion. What's wrong with sharing his experience in a forum? This forum reaches thousands and many, if not most, are working class.
If one wants to work remotely, here is an idea to add a little income. CAMBLY is a company that caters to folks where
English is their second language, and they just want to practice speaking. Working for them does not pay much, but
the hours are flexible and your job is simply talking with those learning English.
I didn't see this anywhere in this thread so I figured I would ask. Is this for remote work? Or in person shifts?

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