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It's much bigger than politics.
There has been distrust and at times strife between the nomadic and settled populations.
The Bible's Cain and Abel is a great example. The moral of that story was that agrarians with their wheat were wasting their time. The nomadic shepherds with their animals were more important!
Some anthropologists and archeologists like to pin the start of civilization to the switch from nomadic to settled agrarianism.
Though the discovery of the 11-15k year old buried structures at Gobekeli Tepe upset that timeline a bit.
I have long felt sorry for Cain. He tried so hard to get it right! God was supposedly disappointed that he didn't deliver a blood sacrifice by killing a living being. So to please God, he thought nothing could be a bigger sacrifice than to shed the blood of his own dear brother, and then he did so! But even after that, God still wasn't happy with him. Poor Cain. Now he had two things to feel terrible about; God's unhappiness with him, and having to go on living without his dear brother.

There is a fictional movie about Cain I have watched several times and intend to watch again. It's titled He Never Died. Spoiler alert: You don't find out until near the end of the movie that this guy is actually Cain; his punishment from God having been that unlike his brother Abel, he can never be killed, by anyone, or by any means.
Since 2003, we full-time live-aboard in our ExpeditionVehicle.
Although we prefer to boondock in forests and on beaches, we occasionally house-sit.
Our rig would be an unlikely candidate for that goofy 'stealth' label.
Accordingly, we go preemptive.
We knock.
If no answer, we leave a flyer describing our service, date in and date we potentially leave, plus our contact information.
And sometimes, we invite our new neighbors-friends over for a pot-latch or BBQ.
And I try really hard to sincerely smile.
And I try really hard to not project defensive 'us versus them' energy.
In our experience, a good percentage of folk want to be -- and will be -- us, living and traveling and having a grand old time.
Part of our gig is doing the 'role-model', showing folks an alternative to 'them versus us' energy.
An aside:
I would like to retire the word 'stealth'.
Pretty much anybody can recognize a live-aboard.
Stealth does not exist, stealth never existed.
I could spot a live-aboard in a crowded parking-lot.
On a dark and stormy night.
One hand tied behind my back.
I bet most of us would.
I always thought stealth meant you had a cloaking device on your Klingon vessel!
We need to respect Bob's vision that half of us can't agree with anything the other half believes and therefore nothing political should be talked about.
I fully agree. No point in diluting the real messages with pointless arguing. But I'm not clear on what exactly "political" is defined as on this forum. So I sometimes watch to see if something I said gets deleted as "political", not sure where the line is drawn.
I fully agree. No point in diluting the real messages with pointless arguing. But I'm not clear on what exactly "political" is defined as on this forum. So I sometimes watch to see if something I said gets deleted as "political", not sure where the line is drawn.
Political includes anything controversial or personal. You can't have an objective definition it's what others feel that matters.

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