Starting the build

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Today I finished the underlayment, and went to pick up the wood I ordered earlier. I got a blank look and a shrug. I found the person who was supposed to order it, and he said this to me. "I did not know you wanted it!":huh:

Deep sigh, long pause. There was a reason I had him call around to find the product and price for me, then I found out when the truck was due in. I even asked before I left on Monday to make sure the truck would be in Thursday. :-/

Good thing I have 5 months left to finish this project!;)


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Once again the material did not come in. Time to work on something else.
FINALLY! My Advantek came in today. The reason I am going with that product, is I know it will not fall apart when it gets wet. I have a piece sitting outside that I put my jack stands on. So far this winter has not touched it with all the snow and rain it still is solid.

As I was loading it into the van, I pulled a back muscle. Good thing I have some Hydrocodone left from my surgery. I got the base installed, and then found my taping screws were too short. :mad: So tomorrow I will screw down the floor, cover the wheel wells, (Parts are pre fabbed) and start the cabinets.

I have the windows covered with veneer painted black on the side facing to the outside. We will see how far I get tomorrow. The opening is where my battery box will be mounted. It will hold four batteries. The top will be lined with rubber (Old tractor inner tube) so I do not have to worry about any shorts.


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The under layment has a vapor barrier, and the material is 1/2 inch shredded denim. Extremely green, safe, and easy to work with. I will not use any foam, because I do not trust it. The walls already have R11 in them as part of the original conversion. There are lights and switches in 4 places, including my closet. All I have to do is tap into the wires and switch the power source from my vehicle battery, to my house battery. The new wires will be running in the closets.

When I set up the batteries, I will be using 2 gauge wires for the main run, and I will be dealing with Northern AZ Wind & Sun and getting a quality package from them. I will already have the batteries and power D box installed when I pick up the panels. Then it is just drill one hole, and silicone the wire in place.
Today I managed to get the wheel wells covered, and outlined the closet. I would have completed more, but with my knees swollen I was lucky to get this far. I will be glad to be somewhere with warmer weather.

I used an old grab bar from the van for the closet rod. Tomorrow I will get the closet completed, and start on the other side which will have the tool shelves. Total cost for this part of the project is $14. I had to buy the 1x2 lumber, and a box of screws. The wood I will be using for the sides and front is giveaway from the lumber yard. :D Over the past few years they have received a lot of business from me.

Tomorrow I will need a few more 1x2's.


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I spent 1/2 the day in the hospital with my granddaughter. Her white blood count dropped, and she was running a high fever so everything dropped and family comes first.

As with everything, it takes longer than expected. Cutting all the different angles I only got one side completed. But I did manage to get the framework for both sides completed. Tomorrow is another day. Now to think of what color to paint the exposed wood...:cool:


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Sorry to hear about the little one....hope she's doing ok.
Paint...I like something leaning toward the tan side of white. Just enough to cut glare, but enough to still help with lighting.
Washable for sure.

Some county dumps have a place where paints/chemicals are dropped. I've picked up paint there. Places that sell paint have mis-mixes pretty cheap.
Yes, I am also sorry to hear about your granddaughter. Hope that she is well soon.

I like white paint also. It always makes a small space feel bigger and reflects light better.

Thank you for sharing your build and photos. I enjoy seeing the skills and craftsmanship that people have. Hope that you also feel better soon.
The grand daughter is almost ready to come home. They still do not know why she had the seizure or the drop in white blood cell count~~~

Today we had company, so I did not get as much done as I wanted.

I managed to get the speakers installed, and the layout for the shelves. It is starting to get cold, so tomorrow will be another bundle up and work deliberate day.

It might go faster if all the cats would stay out of my van! Not just my buddy, but my kids have two cats that find my van irresistible.


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I hope they find out what's wrong with your g'daughter soon.
Thanks for the updates on the van!
My granddaughter is home after 3 days. They do not know, but suspect roseola. :huh: One week quarantine at home. She got it from a friends child. :dodgy:

Today was setting up the tool shelves. I need to get a plastic tub I can cut a hole in and make a cat box out of. Set up right, I can put my tool bucket on top of it. Tomorrow I will start on the pantry cabinet in the closet. I need to find a lighter floor jack. The 4 ton unit is just a little heavy and bulky for my needs.

I will set up straps to lock things down while driving. Those square cat litter tubs are great!


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I got a couple things done in the last few days. First, I found a tub to use as the cat litter box. A hole cut in the end will give access, without destroying the strength of the unit. Keeping the lid on it will allow me to stack more tool bags on it. The premium cat litter will keep the odors down as well as it being in the far corner away from my sleeping spot.

On the other side, I have a couple more tubs that will act as food storage. Notice the room behind them to store a shovel and any other implements I may need. Broom, who knows what... I have plenty of room for hanging the cloths.

I also got the battery box today. I have not installed it yet. I need to drill the cable and vent holes in it first. I want it to vent underneath the van. It is big enough to install 4 T145's. I will be able to line the lid with the rubber, and it will be sealed from the interior and even with the floor.

That will be the extent of the progress this month, unless I find some work. With an ice storm due this weekend, that is a distinct possibility repairing the damage it causes.


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I took it for a spin around the block today. I will definitely have to set up straps and holders. Things were sliding all over the place.

Hopefully I will have the budget for that. It cost the same to get a small box fabricated, so might as well go for what room I can. I stopped by Battery Outfitters the other day, and had them measure the T145. 1/2 inch clearance to the top of the box. Looking good! I will post pictures of when I get the box installed with the lit set up. Carpet next month should be less than $100 with padding. I am hoping to find it on Craigslist for a whole lot less. The more padding the warmer in the winter, and the better sound proofing while driving. Straight pipes with Cherry Bombs make this sound a little loud. (Thats what it came with!)

Lid, not lit!
I installed the box, and went out on a job today using my van. Even without carpeting it is quieter than with the carpet.

I used a brad gun to line the wood top with the rubber. Once there is a little weight on it, there will be a good seal.

Now back to setting up the storage area...


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In reading other threads, I saw the question come up about painting. I am posting this now so people can see how I did it, and learn from my mistakes.

I had a rusty roof, and was worried about it going through. I removed the luggage rack and used m cordless drill and two wire wheels to remove the main rust. I had a lot of sandpaper from years ago. I used about 30 sheets and cleaned and roughed up the remaining paint. I masked off the sides~~~:mad: not good enough:mad: and used seven cans total (primer and top coat) to paint the roof. I then used fresh stainless steel screws dipped in clear silicone to put the rack back on.

I had to use scrubby pads to remove the fine overspray from where I had not masked. (HOURS!) I bought a cheap spray can trigger handle ($3) which made things much easier. I would have been much better off it I had used either a good brush, or a roller.

The paint I used was from a farm supply. International Harvester White. Which is a cream or dark eggshell. They had about 20 different colors there, so for $5 a can spray, or about $14 a can liquid you can save a good amount over factory colors from the paint supply or auto parts stores.


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Looks real nice! Thanks for the visuals :cool:
I noticed I had also forgotten to show the progress on the back half of the van. I have my tool storage just about complete.

On the top shelf, is my collapsible metal saw horses. I have a piece of wood cut to slip in a channel to hold them in place.

The next shelf has three cat liter tubs, and the socket set I have wanted all my life. The tubs are square, so they fit perfectly and hold a large amount of stuff. I have them labeled in both ends and top so with a glance I can find what I need. It also has a wood slat that fits perfectly to hold everything in place. I just lift and the tubs are available.

The third shelf has tool boxes, and the box with the bits for my dremel hand tools. These will be held in with straps with quick release clips. I know what I want, but have not been to the only store in 30 miles to get them yet.

On the floor is space around the wheel well. It currently is holding a couple breaker bars, the tow hitch, and a case of drill bits I found at a yard sale for $1. (SCORE!)

On the end by the door, I have my come-a-long hanging over my tool bucket. Under that is the cat box. My cat currently has a similar one in the house under a sink. Easy to get to and clean, but not going anywhere!

On the drivers side is the clothing rack and closet. You can see the back of the left rear speaker. Next to that will be the power box and what switches I decide to put in to keep from using my breakers as switches. (Not a good idea!) On the floor are a couple more cat litter tubs, with over flow specialty tools and my work tool bags. In the end by the door there will be several hand tools strapped against the wall, with three tubs in front of them. These tubs will have my food and water supplies.

I am working on how to mount the TV on the back door when parked, and put it in the closet while moving. (Flat screen) There will be enough room when set up to move full 4X8 sheets of plywood.

Today I was testing my fridge that has been stored for the past year, and tomorrow I will be cleaning it and setting it up to design my cabinet and sink around. This will be removeable so I can gain access to the battery box under it.

Simran said:
Looks real nice! Thanks for the visuals :cool:

Thanks. I am a visual learner~~~Quite dyslexic. I find that a picture says more than an entire chapter sometimes. :D By looking at this thread, I am able to think about what would fit where, and what I need to also install. :huh:


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Hey, it's all looking good. Nice and organized cam make a big difference.

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