Six years is great time to start planning your new life. Get all your bills paid and then buy a used van, travel trailer, or class c. Take it on your vacations. Then when you retire, you will know what type of vehicle you like. Then you can sell your vacation vehicle and buy your retirement vehicle.
We bought a used van at a high cost. Not the best decision. We can not have a camper in our subdivision so we went for a van. Solo it is great, with two of us, well it is still great for vacations but a little cramped. We may decide on a truck and trailer or a class c, but we are leaning towards a second home in a warmer climate. We are leaving for a week long trip, then my husband will go to the drag races for 4 days, then comes the big trip. We are either going to Alaska, or out west for 2-6 months. We are still experimenting. You will probably do the same. I've read that people can go up and down and up in size. Our needs keep changing. Have fun.