Why Are Many Modern Motorhomes So Damn Ugly...

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The Flying Tortoise

Active member
Nov 21, 2012
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I think the manufacturers are making what the majority of buyers want. If the buyers wanted something different, they would buy something different. I think your problem might be with the consumer, not the manufacturers.
The MH builders have defined the industry, and the buyers accept that. They see what is offered, and buy. If the majority would refuse to buy, and demand something better looking the industry would be forced to change.
Same with cars, the corporations are foisting the ugliest cars onto us. But notice the "Repro" musclecars sell very well. Some folks do like what they grew up with, not the modern uglies. But the majority just follow the herd.
Something like this looks better in the wild.  I would camo my van but it wouldn't work in urban stays as well.


  • camo trailer.jpg
    camo trailer.jpg
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Whe traipse the RV dealers quite often, and I'm not really sure what designs you are referring to - which aspects you find undesirable. It also depends on what class RV you're refering to. Being a bit more specific would help.

Modern designs tend to be more autodynamc than older box style designs. I would personally place function and efficiency over form and aesthetics any day of the week.

But in modern designs, I've not come across anything I'd particularly call ugly.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I don't see anything ugly about them at all.

Am I missing something?
if you are talking about the graphics, I agree they are ugly. other than that though I really don't think they are ugly. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
if you are talking about the graphics,  I agree they are ugly.  other than that though I really don't think they are ugly.  highdesertranger

Yes it's the graphics. I refer to it as graffiti...
LowTech said:
Didn't know you were on here. You have one of the few blogs I follow, keep putting out the good stuff.  :)
And my opinion on RV's of today, . . . well look at what I roll in.

I'm looking for more images of your wonderful truck... I'll do a story on it if that's ok. Send me a link perhaps...
akrvbob said:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I don't see anything ugly about them at all.

Am I missing something?

It's the graphics Bob. How could you miss them...
Seraphim said:
Whe traipse the RV dealers quite often, and I'm not really sure what designs you are referring to - which aspects you find undesirable.  It also depends on what class RV you're refering to.  Being a bit more specific would help.

Modern designs tend to be more autodynamc than older box style designs.  I would personally place function and efficiency over form and aesthetics any day of the week.

But in modern designs, I've not come across anything I'd particularly call ugly.

It's the graphics Seraphim...
Cry said:
I think the manufacturers are making what the majority of buyers want. If the buyers wanted something different, they would buy something different. I think your problem might be with the consumer, not the manufacturers.

The consumer doesn't have a lot of choice here. They can buy this sort of crap or that sort of crap...
There's not a lot of room for change as they are trying to get as much room and functionality as they can out of the constraints of making a compliant vehicle or trailer.
Graphics? Paint etc, yeah anything can go there as long as the all mighty dollar can pay for it.
You probably aren't their target audience. Maybe they did surveys and found those over 65 loved those graphics.

Unfortunately I am such a form-over-function guy I woudn't give the slightest thought to the graphics. Only of it worked for me.
Most of them can be gotten without the graphics. We looked at Class Cs and it it took a while, but we found the model we were looking for without the graphics, and all the 'upgraded' interior features, etc. then, of course, we decided it wasn't what we wanted after all lol.

But I don't thnk the graphics are all that bad. I Just don't want to pay for something that doesn't add to the functionality of the unit.
The short answer is they're ugly because people like Frank Lloyd Wright don't design them.

Probably just as well, too.  I understand most of FLWs designs were more about esthetics than good engineering.

I don't know if I'd use the word ugly either, but I do find it weird that they all look alike. In the 80's they all some variation on the corrugated off-white sides with an orange stripe look, then at some point they all switched to the slick white or gray box with swirly gray lines thing.

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