Why are so many nomads vegan?

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Youtube does not have a very good reputation for reliably accurate rebuttals.
If you would like to refute any of the scientific studies in the video, feel free to pm me.
I have stayed out of this conversation up till now. but I can't any longer.

I have worked on farms and ranches off and on my whole life. big ones little ones and in between ones.

to say animals don't suffer if someone is a vegan is pure BS.

on all the farms I worked on, none of them put up with plant eating native animals consuming their crops. if fact they basically were striving for a sterile environment as far as plant eating animals were concerned. so in short they would displace all the native wildlife and kill them if they came back.

in contrast to that the ranches I worked on were teeming with wildlife. except in a few instances were the ranchers wanted the alpha predators exterminated which I might add were extremely rare. all the other wildlife was given free range.

what I am trying to get across is for people to live, animals must suffer and die. there is no way around this no matter how the facts are bent.

I have nothing against vegans or vegetarians. if that's what you choose fine. but the argument about animal suffering doesn't fly with me, I know how agriculture works. anyone who wants to dispute the facts, I have lived it and have seen different.

If I had a nickle for every time I've heard the "vegans cause suffering" argument I'd be able to afford a new rig. It's the classic Tu Quoque logical fallacy.

First of all, this thread is about ENVIRONMENTALISM. How many times must I repeat myself?

Nobody ever claimed that vegans don't cause any suffering. We just seek to not cause suffering intentionally. It takes about 20 times the amount of land to grow crops to feed to animals to feed to humans than if we just fed crops to humans. Now some might argue that a lot of land isn't suitable for growing crops for human consumption (which is completely bogus) but if everyone were vegan we wouldn't need to use that supposed land anyway. It could go back to nature.

I realize it's impossible to go through life without killing. There's tons of bugs we step on and drive over on accident. That doesn't mean we shouldn't walk or drive. But if someone was kicking a puppy, I would hope you'd go over and tell them to stop.

Why are people trying to nitpick here while dodging the main points? Do you think that the statistics mentioned in the original post are bunk? If they were true, would you consider adjusting your lifestyle?

I'll say it again. I'm not here to judge or to convert. I simply want the information to be available.
Few people care much about us making the Earth uninhabitable for future generations.

Certainly not enough to make any lifestyle changes that may cause any inconvenience much less discomfort.
Meh, I don't give a crap what anyone eats or doesn't eat.

But I do wish the vegans would stop lecturing everyone all the time. They're just as bad as Jehovah's Witnesses and Bitcoin fans.

It gets tedious after a while.
I used to think so too until I took it upon myself to look at the science. You can take it or leave it, but the fact that you made a comment shows that you do care.
Anyone one who is not trying to lower their meat and dairy consumption is ignorant in this day and age. A bit like a smoker telling everyone he likes smoking and the benefits it gives him. The truth is out there it is only a matter of weather you want to remain ignorant or grow into a better and healthier person attempting to improve your lot and the lot of everyone around you. Changing your diet is the single biggest way to change the world and the simplest way to move towards a healthier longer life physically, emotionally and spiratually.
This is all getting repetitive. I'm closing the thread.
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