Who Have First Aid Kits?

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I've got, like, millions of BandAids. Yup, better to 'air-dry' a cut, but a lot of them happen on my hands and gotta do stuff which would only make things worse. ..Willy.
The best first aid for snakebite is a set of car keys and a fast trip to the hospital. I've survived a rattlesnake bite and I can assure you its not in the least bit something you want to experience. I'm a good sport when I find a rattler. I kill the bugger and roast it, and no, its not like chicken.

Super Glue and Krazy Glue contain some toxins. n-butyl cyanoacrylate and 2-octyl cyanoacrylate are compounded for first aid, medical, and veterinary use.
Vietnam was where I first saw glue used to close wounds. Odd thing is that it came out of the development of plastic rifle sights.
When I could still pick fruit I'd get thick calluses on my fingers.. which would often split right down to the meat. I'd clean the area and then CrazyGlue the edges together. Stuff worked wonders. ..Willy.
I keep a First Aid Kit in each vehicle, one in my shooting bag (have had to use it at the local range), and several in the house. One is a GI Trifold Medic Bag I take on outings - holds all the essentials. A big plastic toolbox at home holds bulk bandages, tape and ointments.
I keep a small FAK and a small personal Survival Kit in pouches on my dual-sport motorcycle. They have been of use a time or three in the woods.
Being on a blood thinner now, I always have stuff on hand to take care of bleeding issues.