Where You Be

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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Like the title says, where you be, could be geographically, physically, mentally, spiritually? What would you like to say?

I'll start, N. Ca. can't wait to get away. Look out winter, here I come!
On a slope in the Berkshires, presently captivated by the audacity of a full blown New England autumn coming into it's own.

That's occasionally tempered a bit though, spotting multitudes of high flying flights of geese who know best what comes next and why they're headed where they're headed.
Right now Western Pocono’s on grid with hot and cold running water in pristine and pollution free upper Lehigh Gorge among the hemlock trees and mountain laurel.

On or about November 15th the rolling aluminum tent will be leaving for Florida for the winter.

"Either you are with us, or you are with the tourists”.
Oklahoma, Fanny Mae parked in the driveway, waiting for Ms. Thang (me) to take her somewhere. Last weekend I camped in the driveway, piddling, tweaking, reading, cooking.. During the week I'm reading and researching (and working, dammit all). This weekend who knows. My parents are back in the area and my mom wants to go camping soon. There's some caverns within a few hours drive with camping I'm looking forward to going to soon.
What a diverse picture. Come on add your brush stroke!
Last night I was a Gypsy scaring children on the haunted hayride, today just a housekeeper cleaning cabins. The Poconos are gorgeous right now, last night in the 30s but sunny and 60 now. Kentucky (Amazon) for November and December, then New York for a week then the long awaited trip to the RTR. Vegas is a bucket list item so I'm checking that off too. Final stop is Florida to visit family and back here to enjoy what's left of winter. What better way to get rid of highway driving anxiety than a ridiculously long solo trip. Hair of the dog, I'm gonna do it.
ARIZONA...Flagstaff, on State land where no Ranger wanders! 5 miles from Walmart, Home Depot and a Fantastic Indian restaurant with great food called Delhi Palace.18 television stations and great internet and phone signal.
...Happy and at Peace with the World...!
Kansas City...waiting 2 more weeks to have an 'all-clear' sonogram done of my liver (yes,it was previously pickled).
Brooklyn, camping IN a cemetery!
Then south, New Orleans, Padre Island.

Pacific Northwest. The rainy winter is coming soon. We're prepping the van for our winter get away to Southern California, Baja, and the mainland Mexico. Departure date in about 5 weeks.
Just west of Flagstaff, thinking of heading to the GC before it gets much colder. Then south(er)!
Caballo Lake, NM

Just finished reading "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory" by Caitlin Doughty. I highly recommend it. It could change your life -- and maybe your death. It's about how we hide death and hide from it. The writing is funny but serious.
I also am in N~CA. Clear Lake area. Two weeks and I head up Highway 1 again. Then I will be heading back South to warmer pastures! Family first.
I've been stagnant in san Diego for too long
I am getting really sick of the "too cool to acknowledge you" attitude that some many people employ here. It is as if everybody is so scared of being snubbed, they pretend nobody else exists.

I'm gonna head north, somewhere. Try and reestablish some friendships, then go up into the Sierras, somewhere, then west back to the pacific, hopefully with a less misanthropic attitude.

Right now I just want to get as far away from humans as I can get, especially the self important unfriendly type which populate this area.