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Finally out of the Forest in Flagstaff! Mornings are too COLD! I am in Cottonwood where the high will be 84 degrees for the next 10 days...! This is the first morning I haven's used my heater in a long time.
Tucson is going to be in the mid to upper 80s for the next couple weeks.
Nights are just cool enough for good sleeping with a couple windows open a bit.
Bindi , Are you still enjoying that van more than your motorhome ?
We're having a great time in the van. Been able to get into places in the forest that the RV wouldn't go as easily and fuel consumption is way easier on the pocket. (put on almost 800 miles last month....couldn't afford that in the RV)
Margie has adapted very well. Shoot, she would be fine if I told her we were going into in a compact car as long as she gets to travel and see new things.
I like having simpler systems with less to go wrong. I'm more relaxed driving don't have to stop for a break as often.

I am finding my original interior plan to need a couple changes since this is my first van set up for a couple. Fortunately, its very easy to do since everything is modular and none of what I've done so far will be wasted.

Overall, it was our best move and we're very happy for doing it.
Thanks for your answer . Rats got into my Motorhome when it was at the shop . Eat up every water line . Thought I had them all fixed , yesterday I went to flush the toilet and they had eaten a water line there also . It never ends . Great when everything works except for the gas mileage .
   Been away awhile, Yuma now, connecting with some folks from here and there. Parker 400 soon. Where are you?