What Happens When You Become Too Old?

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I'm just going to take a wait and see attitude. I don't even want to think about. My grandmother spent 22 years thinking and planning and waiting for death, and never did the things she's always dreamed of. Her excuse? "I', too old."

Not me. I'll just keep going and burn my candle at both ends until I flame out.
mockturtle said:
I think more people die regretting what they didn't do than people who regret what they did.

my guess, I will die regretting some things I did and some things I didn't do, the shortcomings of humanity. I am working towards and doing all that is possible to live with my wits about me, a healthy body and my independence till I die, hopefully quietly in my sleep, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful naked or lightly clad women, with a smile on my face, however luck can be a game changer, I might be snoring with my mouth open when I exhale my last breath which would be another regret. Oh well can't have everything. :)
My wife and I ponder and discuss the topic. Neither of us fear death as we once did (we've pretty much de-religionized ourselves and the "fear" went with it all). We both have the living wills, DNRs and similar. We also included in the discussions the idea to _attempt_ not calling the EMTs, though realized that panic can set in...so time will tell!?

One thing we decided the past year is that pulling a trailer is not for us as the bother of remaining mindful of where/how we were traveling was more than we wanted to bother with. So we are back to van-alone and must say our travels/adventures are more spontaneous and easy.

If I could have it my way...i'd go out with a smile on my face in bed : )
my dad was still ball room dancing up to a week before he headed out at 95.
May I be so fortunate!
I think the question is wrong.
Live for today, seize the day, because tomorrow may never come.
Recently, I reminded two relatives of this and within a couple months, both were dead.
I am glad that I was apart of seizing the day with both of them and something I will never forget.
accrete said:
My wife and I ponder and discuss the topic. Neither of us fear death as we once did (we've pretty much de-religionized ourselves and the "fear" went with it all). We both have the living wills, DNRs and similar. We also included in the discussions the idea to _attempt_ not calling the EMTs, though realized that panic can set in...so time will tell!?....

  Nurses ask , on admission , if you want to be resuscitated at the Hospital now , if it comes to that .

I think that for most of us, it's a a question of being too sick, rather than too old. After just enduring a 'Hospital Year' myself, I can tell you I'd still rather wear out than rust out - any day! I don't know how, when, or where it will happen, but I *do* know that I will fully *live* every moment until I die!
