jimindenver said:
Is it easy? No
Is it cheap? No
Does it take a lot of real estate? Yes
Does any of that mean it is not possible? Not a chance.
To the OP
If you want to talk big solar and see what it can do on a day to day basis, stop on by my rig in Quartzsite or Ehrenberg, I will show you what is possible in real life. Is it inefficient to heat with electricity? That depends on how you look at it. I have power coming out my ying yang most days and it would be inefficient if not stupid to burn propane don't ya think?
But also: is it
practical compared to the alternatives.
There are few cheap alternatives to cooling the inside of an RV in the middle of nowhere. But there ARE good alternatives for heating a piece of toast or a frozen pizza.
Any yes, my point about inefficiency is: it depends on a lot of things, and low efficiency is NOT a reason to not do something.
Solar panels are terribly inefficient, around 20% but we use them anyway.
Internal combustion engines are terribly inefficient, around 25%, but we use them anyway.
Incandescent bulbs are terribly inefficient 10-30%, but we use them anyway.
COST is what matters. (and weight)
I would
not put together a $10,000 solar system just to cook pizza or heat frozen dinners twice a day. A lot of cheaper alternatives are better for that job.
I certainly MIGHT spend the same money to keep me comfortable in my home 9 hours a day in mid-summer heat. And then I might have surplus, as you do, to run a coffee maker or a toaster for a few minutes per day. Easy peezey.
As far as efficiency, who really cares if the efficiency is low, if the price for the incoming fuel or energy is cheap or free?
That's why we didn't care when our 1965 Buick got 9 miles per gallon in the late 60's since gas was only 30 cents per gallon...remember those days?
But today, gas is nowhere near that cheap here in the USA. Again, cost matters.
One note to be aware of: The OP is trying to do all of this in a Metris, I believe, not an RV with lots of real estate for panels.