What Dangers Do You Worry About?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
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Left Coast USA
I inherited the worry gene from my mom. Unlike her, I don't resort to prayer when worried. Instead I attempt to face my fears and deal with perceived problems logically.
Dangers that I think of...

Personal safety. I research cities before going to them and try to stay in the safest areas. I stay aware of people around me and keep my head on a swivel, more so in older inner-city areas.

Vehicle trouble. I keep my van well maintained, have towing insurance, keep a few tools handy, and have an emergency fund.

Illness. I HATE having diarrhea on the road! My toilet bucket is only for absolute emergencies. Luckily it's a rare thing. If I just have a cold, flu, or bad back incident; I don't mind vegging out with books and crosswords in bed for several days. With old age creeping up on me (I'm 54), I know my body will have more problems. All I can do is, work on staying healthy thru proper diet and exercise.

Running out of money. I'm probably skating the edge financially more than most. I have no income other than when I work, which is sporadic. I have very little savings. I am able to live on less than $500 a month, which most find impossible. I take it a day at a time, enjoy each day (frugally), and hope for the best. Probably impractical but it works for me right now.

Police. I have no criminal record but I dislike interactions with policemen. They have always been less than helpful when I've reported crimes against me, and act indifferent and suspicious of me. They are quick to write tickets for the smallest infraction. And I know that it is illegal to sleep in my van in most of the cities that I occupy.

Women. I could write a book about the dangers of getting into a relationship. I'd still have my house and much of my savings, if it wasn't for two very evil ex-girlfriends. Not saying they are all bad, just that I seem to attract the wrong ones.

I try to keep my worries in check and mostly succeed. It's mainly at night, right before sleepy time and my defences are down, that I often start obsessing on the what-ifs.
What do you stress about and how do you deal with it?
Biggest fears for me when I'm out on the road:

- Getting sick and having limited access to quality care.

- Encounters with authority, I just want to be left alone, I follow the rules for that reason.

- Groups of young males, and solo adult males who look my way a bit too long. The young ones because they tend to behave badly in groups, the solo adults because I don't know their intentions and I lack the abilities I used to have to defend myself well.
I just worry about getting robbed AGAIN! 2000 people in this town and I think half are thieves stealing from the other half. The crooked cops arrest then thieves but the crooked judge lets them go. Life in a small town. I will be so happy when I leave here.
I don't see any danger in the life that I live, so I don't worry about anything.. I figure I am smart and resourceful, so I can handle what ever comes my way...
There are rules in life to be followed...my favorite is "Don't sacrifice long term goals for short term pleasure."
Bob has created a Formula for Success....follow it...
Fearing and worrying about things that may or may not happen is a waste of brain energy.
I can't think of any danger that causes me fear.

I worry about my Mom and Dad and not being close if they need me.
I will be concerned when I am in the NW next year and my mother is in the North Georgia mountains in a nursing home.  Her health is starting to fail.  My sister and BIL live close, but still a loooong drive if something happens.
Sameer said:
I don't see any danger in the life that I live, so I don't worry about anything..  I figure I am smart and resourceful, so I can handle what ever comes my way...

Fearing and worrying about things that may or may not happen is a waste of brain energy.


The only thing I worry about right now is whether I can get everything sorted, given away or packed before I want to be out of here but even that is starting to look like it's coming together.

Now if the mechanic that is supposed to be doing a house call to repack the wheel bearings on my cargo trailer would call back, I'll be ecstatic. Worst case scenario, I have to take my chances with them for the 6 mile drive to it's winter parking spot...sigh!!

There's no point in worrying about my mother, she worries enough for the whole neighborhood and it hasn't done her a bit of good so far, so why bother. In case of emergency, my brother and SIL will just have to get off their butts and deal with it, they live 10 minutes from mom and do almost nothing for her.

I practice 'Don't sweat the small stuff' and with the exception of incurable disease and death, both of which I have no control over, it's ALL small stuff!!
Almost There said:

The only thing I worry about right now is whether I can get everything sorted, given away or packed before I want to be out of here but even that is starting to look like it's coming together.

Now if the mechanic that is supposed to be doing a house call to repack the wheel bearings on my cargo trailer would call back, I'll be ecstatic. Worst case scenario, I have to take my chances with them for the 6 mile drive to it's winter parking spot...sigh!!

There's no point in worrying about my mother, she worries enough for the whole neighborhood and it hasn't done her a bit of good so far, so why bother. In case of emergency, my brother and SIL will just have to get off their butts and deal with it, they live 10 minutes from mom and do almost nothing for her.

I practice 'Don't sweat the small stuff' and with the exception of incurable disease and death, both of which I have no control over, it's ALL small stuff!!

Slightly off topic:  I bought a wheel bearing kit on ebay that had the inner/outer bearings with races, inner seal, cotter pin and grease cap for $14.00.   Packed them myself in an hour, greased up and ready to go.

Parts for most cargo/utility trailers are very cheap.   The labor is what gets you.
66788 said:
Slightly off topic:  I bought a wheel bearing kit on ebay that had the inner/outer bearings with races, inner seal, cotter pin and grease cap for $14.00.   Packed them myself in an hour, greased up and ready to go.

Parts for most cargo/utility trailers are very cheap.   The labor is what gets you.

Thanks but this is one job that I have absolutely no tools for, not even a floor jack and have no skill level for DIY.

The labor charges won't be that bad, getting him to do the work is the hang up!!
That thing under my bed that I know will gnaw off any limbs that stick out from under the covers and over the edge of the bed. It's been under my bed since I can remember [emoji51]
This is the big difference between me and my wife.

I refuse to worry about stuff I have no control over, and she worries about EVERYTHING!

I don't get it either.

We've traveled all over the country, in cars, vans, big trucks, motorsicles...and we've never been trapped, anywhere!

Sure, we've had our share of break-downs, (bound to happen riding 50 year old Harleys long distance)...but we've always managed to find a way to get through any set-backs we've encountered.

I am pretty mechanically minded, so I can usually patch stuff back together enough to get us back home.
Heck, I've had roadside repair jobs that have lasted for YEARS after I cobbled it together using nothing but coat hangers and duct tape.

In all our years of traveling (30+), we've never spent the night in a repair shop.

I think we're good. No worries mate! :D
I worry about all the things the op mentioned but not until something sparks my attention, I don't worry about personal safety unless someone is hassling me, I don't worry about breakdowns until something is not right, I don't worry about my health unless something starts hurting, I don't worry about cops unless one is following me.
i'm of the mind set that the cops work for me so its more likely i search them out then the other way around
Nuthin to worry about...

"Today, Americans are nearly half as likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault, and less than half as likely to be the victim of a robbery.
…Now, first, we do need to get some facts established. So far, the data shows that overall violent crime rates across the nation appear to be nearly as low as they were last year and significantly lower than they were in previous decades.
It is true that in some cities, including here in my hometown of Chicago, gun violence and homicides have spiked -– and in some cases they’ve spiked significantly. But the fact is, is that so far at least across the nation, the data shows that we are still enjoying historically low rates of violent crime.
Moreover, over the past few years, the number of police officers shot and killed in the line of duty has fallen to their lowest levels in decades. In fact, 2013 saw the fewest cops shot and killed in the line of duty since 1887…”

----Barack Obama.....(speaking to the Int'l Association of Chiefs of Police October 27, 2015)

For the most part I'm confident I can handle most of life's ups and downs, oh, I might bitch about an oddity now and then, but I will get done whatever needs to get done. I guess my biggest fear is ..........................running out of gas.
Cammalu said:
That thing under my bed that I know will gnaw off any limbs that stick out from under the covers and over the edge of the bed. It's been under my bed since I can remember [emoji51]

I wanted to say that's a fear of mine but was embarrassed. Thank you.
Drunk, bored, or criminally minded locals looking to mess with strangers.