Weeroll Nomad Conversion

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Awesome thread  and I'm glad everything worked out so well for you regarding the trailer jump. I plan on getting a WeeRoll alum too and pulling it with a jeep.
:s Hi, all.  We ordered a Nomad back in January of this year.  At the time, Tom assured us the supply chain for the build was not an issue.  Since then, we haven't been getting any updates on the build.  We've been flexible because of COVID, but tracking Tom down has been almost impossible.  We've emailed, texted, and called.  When he finally does respond, he never gives specifics (as in, has he started the build).  The contact ends with him promising to get back to us with where our particular unit is in the production process.  As of today, we have only general complaints from him about COVID, lazy workers, and pushy customers.  We're not asking for changes, demanding delivery tomorrow, or anything weird.  We just want to know if he's even started it.  Mind you, our order went in at least two months before there were shutdowns that would have impacted manufacturing.  We can't understand why this means he can't locate a work order or offer real details.  Sorry to vent, but we haven't had this kind of problem with other businesses.  Most have been pretty proactive during the pandemic.
Everything I’ve heard about Tom and we roll has been good this is the first negative I’ve heard. I might be overstepping here but how about contacting HOWA or even Bob himself and see about making a contact with Tom. Tom has been a supporter of HOWA with donations and apparently a pretty good friend of Bob’s and that route might be the way to go. I’m so sorry you’re having problems I like to think good about people but he does have to answer you. It would seem to me if he knew you were putting this on Bob‘s forum he would be quite concerned about his reputation and want to make it right. You might think of sharing that politely with him and telling him that if he satisfies you you’ll put a good word in. I had a problem with iceco, a Chinese refrigerator manufacturer and After getting very little response from the company I told their rep that I was on this form regularly and I didn’t wanna badmouth them so I needed him to expedite things. He more than satisfied me. I hated to go that way with threats but Sometimes it’s needed and many times it works.