Water filtration

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2015
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On my rv i have the basic screw a hose to hook ups and the pull out

i would like to fill the tank from a stream but would like basic filtration,get the solids out then add some bleach
know of anything pre made or am i going to mod a funnel,maybe a lid for a 5 gallon bucket and a particle filter in the spout?
dont want it to take 2 hours to fill the tank

my on board water will be for shower/washing and emergency drinking only
House boats use lake water sucked up through a strainer by a 12 volt pump for cooling and showers maybe you could rig something up with a garden hose attached to a boat strainer and a pump.
Maybe consider something like a lifestraw family? They only process ~9 -12 liters per hour, but would provide potable water.

Those are very cool, KathyC! The prices aren't horrible either! Do you use one of these? If so, a review in the product topic would be awesome!
I have Seychelle Extreme filters and water bottles that you can put ANY water in except salt water. It's just a personal bottle, but filters 100 gallons as a lifespan. https://www.amazon.com/averPak-Pack-Seychelle-Replacement-Survival/dp/B00KY3PFBW Additionally, this may be better and what you're looking for? but I never tried them. https://www.amazon.com/averPak-Sing...id=1500544293&sr=1-3&keywords=Pure+Water+Pump I think you might need the Extreme filters for it. Here is another one: https://www.amazon.com/Seychelle-In...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MCPABQ2EC1RJRJ8QVQ9W (I also use Seychelle pitchers.)
I have installed a simple filter onto my city water intake.

But, I have a small Berkey stilling on the counter for drinking water. I got the small one..only a gallon at a time. Bungee straps to keep it in place.
To fit your criteria on "not 2 hours," the household bleach method is probably best. > The label should say that it contains 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite.

Berkey is one of the best filtration systems. My plan is to have one while on the road. Filter cost can be a hold back for some people. I found this video just now (I've known of Berkey for 8 months...check Amazon's prices):

Xylem Water Filter (DIY) is a survivalist method however not fast by any means.
for getting solids out, paint filters are not rated for potable water. they make stainless filters that are for beer they fit on a 5 gallon bucket and come in a variety of screen sizes.

for me personally I would rather filter my water then use bleach. however bleach works. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
for me personally I would rather filter my water then use bleach.  however bleach works.  highdesertranger

Big Bugs - Parasites, Protozoa - 4 to 12 microns: giardia, cryptosporidia, amoebic dysentery, worms.  Often spores, easily filtered, laughs at chlorine and iodine.

Small Bugs - Bacteria - 0.5 to 3 microns: e coli, cholera, typhoid, bacilary dysentery.  Killed by chlorine or iodine, filtered only by the finest filters.

Tiny Bugs - Viruses - 0.02 to 0.08 microns: polio, hepatitus, rotavirus.  Killed by chlorine or iodine.  Can't be filtered.

Chemicals - Pesticides, Heavy Metals:  Unaffected by chlorine or iodine.  Filtered by activated charcoal or resin filters, which also remove the chlorine or iodine so you don't taste it.

Combination of chlorine and a good filter is best.
thanks guys,i will look in to some of the options posted

i have never looked at a rv water system as potable,just want to keep out the solids so they don't clog the system up and kill molds and mildews so they dont grow in there