Amazing how quick people are to defend things they do not understand.
Yes, the OP is correct. EMF fields are real and everything electric does emit EMF's. These are not natural like the Earth might give off. 120 hz electricity is where the "bad" EMF comes from, dirty electricity from the power company, and yes, "dirty" is what it is really called.
All the wiring in your house is expelling this EMF, every appliance does too. The only way to get away from it is to physically distance yourself or to use some sort of shielding.
It will not kill you like an electric chair, but it is harmful and will do damage in small amounts over a lifetime. Cell phones emit microwave radiation, not to be confused with nuclear radiation that some will knee-jerk a response about unrelated to the topic. Millimeter waves are not good for human tissue. Some phones are worse than others, none good. Again, you will not die today, but it does damage in tiny amounts. Even using a cooktop off of your batteries has EMF to it. I think a more common term is, electromagnetic plume. THoses electric cars? Yep, electromagnetic plume right under your assets, not gonna kill you but is not healthy either.
Yes, everyone has been exposed to radiation, but this is not a reason to go get exposed even more or increase it in your life.
People smoke some and still live long lives, but is not a reason to chain smoke every day, and though it might not be what kills you, the damage effects are obvious on the skin of a smoker.
Do things that do not kill you right away still do damage? Yes. Is damage bad? I would assume any damage to your body is bad. How bad you want to get is up to you.