Vandweller Chatroom (Closing)

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And I missed it!
While I realize there is no valid excuse for missing the chat, I will say that We had a realtor come in this week who said the market is already starting to fall so we need to get listed ASAP. Therefore, I was working on the master bedroom project until 10pm. I have a long way to go in there, so I'm about to go start in again (it's 7:14 am here) and my carpenter arrives at 8 to finish a window install for that room that we didn't quite finish yesterday.
See ya Tuesday!
^^^That’s like asking a used car salesman if you should trade in your car! Lol!!!
Hello and yeah, we had a couple of regulars who were absent...darnit.

We will go back to Tuesdays because that seems to work well for us....see ya then!
Hello and yeah, we had a couple of regulars who were absent...darnit.

We will go back to Tuesdays because that seems to work well for us....see ya then!
I seemed to have lost my password. I'm using my phone now, because I am visiting my daughter. I'll try again next week.
Newest news...wish me luck... the moving trailer is coming on the 15th. I need to have this house ready for pictures in about a week from now! I'm sure I'll have even more news by Tuesday.
I fell asleep at the end and when I woke it was all over and closed down. If you have an account then you can change your password real easy in case you lost it. It also helps to just stay logged in so you don't have to bother with passwords.
I will say that We had a realtor come in this week who said the market is already starting to fall so we need to get listed ASAP.
I follow this kind of stuff as an ancient builder. The fed is not expected to raise the rates again until after summer. But it's true. They are going to crash the housing market in order to slow or stop more inflation. This will also effect car loans. I don't know if it is true or not but some experts say that the national average for gas will hit $6 by late summer. These things effect anyone trying to sell a house and go Nomad or buy a new van and go Nomad. So change is going to come this year. Used car prices will come back down. Jobs will become more scarce. I don't want to say the "R" word.
Realtors will say most anything to get a listing 🤑
Wow, it's been another week, and July 4th....and guess what America, you are now 246 years old! Damn you look good, in fact, you don't look a DAY over 230!

So here we go...and not related in any way to the above:

Tonite in the Vandweller Chatroom is Star Trek Tuesday! Our own virtual Comi-Con online! If you ever watched Star Trek, or DIDNT watch Star Trek, come on in and tell us about it! The original series, Kirk, Spock, and that other guy...or how about that Luke Skywalker dude? Oh wait...wrong Star-something...

OK...somebody come fix this...I seem to have mixed something up!

My personal favorite was Star Trek Enterprise...a modern look back, from the future's point of view. Now let's see, what DID I do with that flux capacitor?

We have got your transporter landing coordinates ready, and here they are>>>

Click on that link this evening....Around 1800 hours...see you in the Ten Forward Lounge!

Phasers on stun, please.

I think I must be too busy lately... I just realized tonight that I missed the chat last night.
The craziness should be ending soon though.... the house pictures are being taken on the 18th, and the listing should go live two days later. If I don't drop dead from exhaustion, I think the house just might be ready by then!
Yes we missed you kk...we're going to take a break for awhile. If there is any interest in the chatroom later on we might give it another try....maybe in September or October when some people might be indoors in the evenings a bit more....anyway it was fun and keep us informed on the happenings in PR!
I would have loved that and stayed 100% on topic, lol.

Major Trekkie here, so I'll catch up with you either virtually or on the road, @tx2sturgis and everyone else who was kind to me when I was so frightened by the political situation in my country.

Back to lurkdom where I belong.

Well, it's a bit of a bummer that yall are taking it down for a bit. It was fun (when I actually remembered it). I'll absolutely keep you updated.
Yes we missed you kk...we're going to take a break for awhile. If there is any interest in the chatroom later on we might give it another try....maybe in September or October when some people might be indoors in the evenings a bit more....anyway it was fun and keep us informed on the happenings in PR!
Thanks for making the chat room happen, tx:) I enjoyed it.

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