Van Insurance ?

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Oct 8, 2021
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I choose to buy a new van and want to travel in it... Where can I get Van Insurance? I'm accident free, no tickets driving for 50 years anyone know what is a good Company to insure my new Van with? My auto insurance says they don't do Commercial/Conversions Cargo style Vans. Not an RV I'm 6'3 like to be able to travel and stand once in a while... any advice greatly appreciated!
Are you actually converting it? Or are you just loading a bunch of camping equipment in it?

Mine is insured as an ordinary noncommercial vehicle. I just have a bunch of camping equipment in it, plus a solar panel on the roof. It could be torn down in about two hours flat, reverting back to a plain ordinary cargo van with a few, easily sealed holes in the roof. Works for me.

And it works for my insurance agent too. Pro tip - never lie to your insurance agent.

If you'r thinking of full timing, you can register your van in any state. And state insurance laws differ. has plenty of detailed info in this regard.
Your auto insurance company may be idiots about this, but a vehicle is a vehicle. Almost every auto insurance company will be happy to sell you collision and liability. Your company may be considering your potential purchase as an RV and doesn't want to offer RV insurance.

Check all the major carriers. I've found that Geico was kind of a pain in the ass about RV insurance, but Progressive was very easy to work with. I also found that how cooperative or recalcitrant any given company is varies drastically from state to state (I'm in Oregon).
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My van was originally called “a conversion van“. It came with a bed in the back and a few other features that were obviously designed for camping or at least spending the night in it when traveling. It is listed as a conversion van on my insurance policy and the title. it was never a commercial vehicle. I rarely tell anyone I’m living in my van because I really am not I’m living out of my van while I travel from place to place. I haven’t opened the can of worms with the insurance company. We will see? I don’t have collision because It’s a 98. But I have good liability coverage. I am with progressive.