van dwelling during martial law

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
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If martial law was declared Im thinking that all roads would be closed and we 
Could find ourselves in a bad situation , maybe held captive .
What do you think?
I think there are more pertinent things to worry about. Like impact via meteor or the resurgence of the Spanish inquisition.
the good thing about everything shut down you would have a good excuse for sleeping in your van
Since most vandwellers are extremely handy people, we would be a desirable resource and a hot commodity. 

In any society, the tool and weapon maker (mechanic) is valued more than the field soldier,and above even the farmer (food producer)
if any member of this forum lives long enough that martial law becomes a general problem in the usa, contact me. i will see you get rescued.
In all seriousness, "if" something like that ever happened, I think I would rather be a van dweller and take my changes "out there" than be in the urban areas "in there" amongst the chaos.
Watch for the signs and vacate the AO before they institute "Martial Law".  Use your mobility.
If the nonsense goes national keep your head down while the Patriots kick arse and put things back aright. Good time to be deep in the boondocks!
I am constantly slipping through the cracks in society. Any new wall will have its cracks, and I will make full use of them.

Adaptability is the key. I can't stockpile and build a bunker but I can adapt to whatever situation I find myself in.
Gigi said:
In all seriousness, "if" something like that ever happened, I think I would rather be a van dweller and take my changes "out there" than be in the urban areas "in there" amongst the chaos.

OP, I think you were serious and the responses were somewhat flippant. Martial law is most likely not something you need to worry about. Gigi, sorry, if chaos happens it will find you regardless. Best thing to do is stockpile toilet paper.

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