Upcoming Gold Trip

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2013
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Hello The Group!!

We are setting our plans in place for the next gold claim trip.  As some of you may remember, a buddy and I have a claim near Hillsboro, NM, and we make a couple four trips a year.  Our fall trip is now scheduled for 10 October through 16 October.

This was one trip's take, just a hair under one ounce.  If anyone would like to join us, we will be at the River View RV Park in Caballo, New Mexico, on Sunday morning, 11 October.  We have a rotary wash plant, and several other rather expensive and heavy duty pieces of equipment.  If you would like to join the fun, even if you want to just get a bucket of dirt to pan out yourself, you are welcome to come along.  We will be leaving the RV park most mornings around 9 AM for 3 or 4 hours of digging, then back to the park for processing.  If you're in the neighborhood, stop by and we'll chat if nothing else  :)

It is pretty rugged country, and it does involve a lot of manual labor.  But everybody ought to see the shiny bits at the bottom of their pan at least once.  Warning:  Ya might get hooked!!

Bama Duke


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That is such a generous offer to let folks see what it is like and watch experts process things. I won't be able to make it in October, but I will sure watch for your next trip after that.

I used to try to catch the Gold Prospector's show on cable a few years ago when I had cable TV. And I've been a rock collector since childhood. So I'd love to go look and learn ... and maybe get some exercise, too.
Jeez, that sounds fun Bama. If I leave the east coast earlier than planned I'd love to join you! I'll let you know if that happens.
Bama has always been generous with his offers. my hat is off to you Bama. one of these times I will make it. highdesertranger
The park where we stay is the Lakeview RV Park, in Caballo.  It looks like there are two Riverview RV Parks in the area, though.  Ours is at the corner of highways 187 and 152.  Here is a pic:

Hope this helps!!



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Heck Bama
I'd be happy just seeing color in someone else's pan ..........
Never been hit with the lucky stick !
We do pretty good some times....





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I would say you do ok. how do you like that pan? I have seen those but ever used one. highdesertranger
It would be a dream come true to see your operation. My Grandmother taught me how to pan for Gold!
gsfish said:
I did pick up this assortment of gear today at the flea market for $20. Hope I didn't get ripped off.


I was at several rock shops around sapphire country in MT last summer. Current prices I saw just for a medium sized basic plastic pan were about $12 to $14. Of course the tourist rock shops are likely the most expensive place to buy them. LOL
yeah the screens go from about 8-15 bucks each. so I would say you did good. now get out and find some yellow metal. highdesertranger
I do like the 6 sided pans, they seem to be a bit quicker than a round pan. We have black and green ones, and separate the gold from the black sand using both. They are also easy to teach with a couple of red painted fishing weights. My buddy, though, swears by his old green round pan, so ya pays your money and takes your chances :)

That was a good haul for $20. We buy the screens for $15 or $18 and use them for a couple years and wear them out. I'm always on the lookout at garage sales.

Yep, we're still planning on being in New Mexico on the on the 11th of October. Hope to see ya there!!

I will be out of range for the next couple days, but we will still be at the RV Park on Sunday morning. Hope to see some of you there!!

And yes, I will update with pics as soon as I figure this new fone out LOL.

I really wanted to come down again but a huge limb falling onto my vans front end last week has grounded me until the insurance company decides to get their butts in gear and make the repairs to get it running again.Hopefully I'll make it down on your spring trip. You all be safe and find lots of color!!! All the best, gramakittycat and her feline crew :)