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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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&nbsp;&nbsp; I enjoy garage sales, swap meets, junk/second hand stores and thrift stores. I think folks like us are just wired that way. Let me tell you about a experiment I did a couple of months ago. I went every place I could think of that might sell boxes. No, not cardboard boxes, boxes of wood, metal, anything, any type as long as they were generally small. I bought a small spot at a weekend " antique" sale held once a month in a large parking lot here locally. The spot cost $30. I had invested $300 in all types of boxes. At the end of the day I was almost sold out and had $790 in my pocket. What have you tried?<br>
Cool, so you&nbsp;just decided to specilize in boxes? I noticed on the internet people that specialze seem to do well. Maybe its not so confusing and people figure you must be onto something if you only have one thing.<br><FONT color=#00ff00><b>Dragonfly</b></FONT><br>
<P>I noticed that everyone picks up and look at boxes even if they don't buy them. I wanted something that I could sell for under $20. I don't do these all the time, it was just an experiment. My point is, think outside the box!</P>
I'd want to see if u could repeat it. Also, so u netted $460 minus the cost of gas and your time purchasing all those boxes ( I assume you already had a card table or display & selling supplies).
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; The time I have because I'm retired. It really took very little gas because I did this over time and when I was going that way anyway. Often I would find serveral boxes at the same place. I mostly went after small boxes because of space. I borrowed a table and threw an old blanket over it. I didn't need any selling supplies. I actually sold a couple of boxes I got at a dollar store. I have always done things like this and really enjoy yard sales, junk shops and the like. Setting up was simple and talking and selling to folks was a ball. I also would buy&nbsp;things at the thrift stores I could sell on Craigslist, like sets of golf clubs. I think if you have a specific interest, something you like and know something about, you can buy and sell&nbsp; quite easily. The one trick I found is to keep the price down. A box I bought for $2 at a thrift store would easily bring $5 to $7.50. Good luck!</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; P.S. I've been doing things like this all my life. It's easy to repeat it.</P>
<p>Sounds good to me.&nbsp; I recently found a Geo Cache out in the desert under a small mound of rocks.&nbsp; I had no GPS, not even a metal detector, just my keen eye.&nbsp; Well on a boulder was a salamander with his head&nbsp;pointing right at&nbsp;a hidden box.&nbsp; I wondered what in the heck a salamander was doing sunning himself on a hot sunny day in the Sonoran desert of all places?&nbsp; He was a fishing lure that someone took the hook out of and used him as a marker.&nbsp; Under the rocks I pulled out a US Army .30 caliber steel ammo can with something written on the side of the can.&nbsp; "Geo Cache" was written in big bold letters.&nbsp; Inside the can I didn't know what&nbsp;I&nbsp;would&nbsp;find.&nbsp; Maybe a treasure map or maybe Gold?&nbsp; It contained a lot of toys and small do-dads like small hand tools, key chain charms, marbles, a few writing pens and a small tablet wrapped up in a clear zip lock bag.&nbsp; Other people had found it too and wrote their names and the date they found it.&nbsp; They put in a little toy to add to the treasure.&nbsp; I had nothing but a lucky penny I had found a few hours before, so I put that penny in and wrote my name and date too.&nbsp; Then closed the lid and re-buried it under the rocks.&nbsp; I think I'll start selling old ammo cans to Geo Cachers and make me a fortune.</p>
Excellent idea Owl... Ya got me thinking...<br><br>Thanks for the boost... not everything has to be rocket science...<br><br>Steve<br><br>
Awesome. I wonder if those boxes could fetch $5 to $7.50 each in my area. There are so many sellers pricing their goods low, sounds like you found a good spot to sell.
I've been making and tiring to sell bird houses on ebay and farm stands and plan to try at flea markets. Have not sold any yet, but I keep hoping. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>Here's my site, <a target="_blank" href=""></a><br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I picked boxes because I like them and they were cheap. Not a big investment on my part or my customers. I think if you find a niche in<br>your area that isn't being filled, the opportunity is wide open. Pick <br>something you like and enjoy, that way you will be much better at <br>selling it.<br>
robear said:
I've been making and tiring to sell bird houses on ebay and farm stands and plan to try at flea markets. Have not sold any yet, but I keep hoping. <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"><BR>Here's my site, <A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A><BR><BR>
Really nice birdhouses robear.
<p>Owl, I am a thrift store shopping freak and I like your idea alot! I'll keep it in mind as I go down the road! Sara</p>