Truck Stops

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Central Florida
Hello everyone,

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Sox and I went for our second trial trip with the van. It went well, our 'to do list' is quite short now. We're leaving for a 3 week trip to the Southwest shortly.

We found a very good TA truck stop and came to the conclusion that we much prefer them for over night stays than rest areas or Walmart. I'm pretty sure not all truck stop are as good as the one we were at, so the questions that came to mind are:

Are all TA truck stops full service with showers and laundry facilities?

Are all Pilots as bad as the one we saw with so little amenities?

Is there a 'reliable' website or book that you know of that has the info for each truck stop? I found a couple of sites but I wasn't sure how much I should trust them. There is nothing more maddening than to arrive somewhere at the end of a long day to a terrible place not at all what you were expecting.

We have 'the Next Exit' book that tell us what to expect at each exit but they don't go into details as far as the truck stops are concerned.
I'm sure there is an app for that but we only have cell phone and computer with random access, no smart phone.

Thank you in advance for your help.


My constant companion is the Truck Stop Directory. At something like $15 post free, it is a worthwhile investment. (The RVers Friend is the same publication with a different cover. Apparently some RV owners did not want to be seen with the Truck Stop Directory.) Don't know if they have things for phones.... I am the proud owner of a dumb phone.

What I find most valuable is that among other information, it details which truck stops make RVs welcome. These usually have a special parking area for RVs, and even though I am in a small van, I just park with them. Always letting staff know that I will be spending the night.

In fact, I ask if there are any restrictions on parking overnight, not letting on that I already know their policy.

Occasionally you will find that there is space at a truck stop which is not listed as one of the above. If you are in a small vehicle, they usually do not have any objection to your staying overnight. After all, they are going to get your business.

You do show your appreciation by purchasing your fuel.... don't you? :)

On my last trip, almost three quarters was spent at truck stops.

I use this site for Walmarts and truck stops - We prefer Flying Js but we also prefer Walmarts over truck stops so our needs are are a little different than yours.

Pilots are far down on our list but we like Flying Js because they usually have a separate section for RVs and if that's full the parking area for the restaurant is large enough that we can fit into a regular space on the edges of the lot where we aren't taking up needed restaurant parking.

I always zoom way in on Google maps to check out the parking situation and go to street view to get a better look.
We like eyeballing places with G00gle also. I use the sat view to get the lay of the land, approaches, etc. Good tool.

We'll usually take WallyWorld over a truckstop too. (can usually stand to buy a few things and, they have Redbox DVD machines).
Most Pilots aren't much more than a glorified convenience store, but Flying J/Pilot do have an RV card that gets you a discount on fuel. They also have a free booklet that outlines services at their locations. Most TAs are ok.

We're self-contained, with shower and all, or we'd use truckstops more, I suppose.
Hi Nicole. As noted above Pilots are just glorified convenience stores and crime magnets..To be avoided if possible. Flying J was bought out by Pilot shortly after I retired from driving a truck but I have had friends tell me that their service has gone down since the buyout.

T/A's and Petro's (which are owned by T/A) are usually clean and will have showers. There are some old T/A's that are a bit shabby but for the most part decent.

Parking in a truck stop is sort of like parking in a mini-city with the same type of activity. Prostitution, petty crime and the like, especially around big cities. Simple common sense will tell you if it's a decent place to spend the night.

Travel safe .. Bob J.
Economic stimulus ?
Got to love it :)

Thank you a whole bunch for the info. I just ordered the Truck Stop Directory. Our Atlas has the address of every Walmart there is in North America, plus The Next Exit has tons of information. We should be set. We rely on WIFI for the computer and so we can't look up a website to see what's what while driving.

It's a bit of a surprise to me to see how Sox and I changed over the years. We used to leave for some adventures barely prepared and it all turned out fine. Now in our sixties, we feel much better to know as much as possible before we step out the door....what's up with that!

Once again thank you, you're the best.

SoxAndNicole said:
It's a bit of a surprise to me to see how Sox and I changed over the years. We used to leave for some adventures barely prepared and it all turned out fine. Now in our sixties, we feel much better to know as much as possible before we step out the door....what's up with that!

We also enjoy the knowledge experiences have given us in helping be more prepared. We appreciate some of the creature comforts these days...and, why not.
I am so impress with 'The Truck Stop Directory" people. I received the book yesterday. It came in 3 days after I ordered it. Very quick considering the shipping was free. How I appreciate good customer service now that it is such a rare commodity.
I consistently sleep at the pilot near my work. Honestly i am surprised they havent kicked me out yet, tho i do shop there usually. Before i even had the van i asked about thier policy and was told its fine as long as i can find a spot. That manager is gone now tho so i keep wondering when theyll knock me.

The pilot is new built...its clean and has a cinnabon and expensive mexican restaurant. They have showers but never used...10bucks no way. If you pay they have crappy wifi....i tried it this month and it was cheap but spotty at best. They DO have some cheap deals sometimes, like 2 bucks for huge soda and a big ole hot dog.
It's a bit of a surprise to me to see how Sox and I changed over the years. We used to leave for some adventures barely prepared and it all turned out fine. Now in our sixties, we feel much better to know as much as possible before we step out the door....what's up with that!

Nicole - your OP is over a month old, but just wanted to write and let you know what a chuckle I got when I read the above from you. :)

Back in the day (or 20-30 years ago) I would head out after work at 5pm on Friday with a carload o friends and drive 700 miles to Florida to a beach....then turn around Sunday afternoon and do the drive back, often without sleep and be to work Monday morning with no problem.

:::shaking head::: Now the THOUGHT of doing that makes we want to take a nap - ahhahahahhaha.