Tribal Travels

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I don't think anyone has officially started this. I know I put the notion forward, but haven't been able to participate since I've not yet hit the road.<div><br></div>
I always figured I would either join it in progress when I finish paying off the debt, or start it myself when I get out there.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Anyone is free to start it off.&nbsp;</div>
Yeah, I wouldn't be using it a lot myself but when I am on the road it would be cool to have an easy way to join up...oh well, if it's meant to be someone who knows their ass from their elbow about these things will prolly do it....<br>You doing OK?<br>Bri<br><br>
<div>Exactly. Anyone who wants to travel together for however long, will. If they haven't already. I guess the only thing needed for those wanting to join up would be to know where they are or maybe where rally points would be.</div><div><br></div>I'm doing great! Hope you are too, and thank you for asking. My health issues have cleared up and I"m 100% again. I'm cooking up my next blog post still since so much has happened recently.<div><br></div>
<P>The secret forum idea might be alright if you set it up to make it based on post count. Say after 50 or so posts it is revealed. That takes away any sense of exclusion and still makes sure the person isn't a spammer or&nbsp;obviously&nbsp;crazy.</P>
BUMP!<br /><br /><br />I wanted to move this to the top, and will likely pin it there. This still interests me. These kind of meetups still happen informallyou do we want to revisit some sort of semi-organized way of keeping tabs?<br /><br />I had the pleasure of meeting Steve this last trip out, and almost missed the opportunity because I was confused as to his location. Turns out I spent several weeks just one exit from his workplace.&nbsp;<br /><br />Any fresh ideas out there?<br /><br />
An undeveloped idea: &nbsp;there is a Meetup site for groups to announce get togetherS. &nbsp;I'm not sure if there's a function for members only or of members hbe to be approved to join. &nbsp;If so, itwould permit participation to be limited to known persons.<br /><br />No public viewing (?)
Thanks, Seraphim. I'm going to check it out next time I'm in town. I had one bad experience where a supposedly private Google group to arrange a meeting in Oregon was able to be pulled up in a search, revealing phone numbers and other private info. This looks to be more secure initially.&nbsp;<br /><br />I have a few other ideas percolating.&nbsp;
Oh I'm glad I stumbled across this post! I have been thinking along these lines since the QZ RTR.&nbsp;