traveling jobs?

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I see so many people online who have taken to FT RV living because they have jobs that move them around a lot? What does everyone do for work?<br>Thanks.<br><br>
<p>I plan on being a travelling nurse and will hopefully start next year.&nbsp; </p>
We are lucky in that we are retired.&nbsp; DW was a nurse and actually a traveling nurse at one time.<BR><BR>I am considering getting into&nbsp;insurance adjusting&nbsp;with a catastrophe team position.&nbsp; Helping people get somewhat back to normal after a tragedy sounds quite rewarding.&nbsp; The pay is good too.<BR><BR>I hear that there are telephone support jobs out there that allow you to work from home.&nbsp; I haven't found one yet tho.<BR><BR>--&nbsp; Kevin<BR>
Alot of the people who live in an RV work in the parks and get free rent, you only have to work like 20 hours a week each and you get your park rent free. You could work your 20 hrs. there, then get a part time job somewhere else for the other 20 hrs per week.Also, there are alot of retirees that are living in an RV, and they don't need to work. But you could just go wherever you wanted then find a job when you get there, or figure out where you would like to go, then go on-line and check out the jobs that are in that area. That way, at least it would give you an idea of what is available in that specific area.
<P>ok here goes i am not a full time rver yet but getting close.&nbsp; right now about 3 months a year.&nbsp; i prospect for gold, &nbsp;at todays prices it adds up pretty fast and if you are frugal with your lifestyle you don't need a lot of gold to survive.&nbsp; however don't think its easy it's hard work and you must have good areas to work&nbsp;it's not for everybody and it gives a hole new name to boon docking.&nbsp; highdesertranger.</P>
Sign up with a nation wide temp agency or two. Where ever you are call the local office and ask if any positions are available. They will have your info in their database the local office can easily access. If none are available at the time that suit you, ask in what city you might find work for a few weeks and drive there. A week or two once a month over the winter should get you all you need.<br><br>Most of those workcamping things don't even pay. If they do it's quite lousy. You work 20 hours a week so you can park, have city water and electric. All things you could do easily for free anyway. Only the "live your RV dream" types go for those non-paying&nbsp;gigs&nbsp;as they don't use it to live on.<br>
#1 get a job lined up & confirmed ahead of time & good luck w that.

DON'T go by the ads for that area. Most are not actual positions, but posted by temp agencies to get potential candidates. In addition, there may be 1 actual job a company has posted on their website and HUNDREDS of other sites referring to it reworded, including the temp agencies, making it seem like far more jobs than actually available. You can't tell till u trace it down.
Seems the only way u could have another job along w workamping is in a nearby location if there is one. Fierce competition.

My situation was/is complicated so u can't go by it but I have a great reputation, a college degree, 20 years bookkeeping experience, 7 years retail , many other skills and it took me over 2 years of hard looking to get my last job & I am incredibly anxious about getting another.

Get a job first.
<p>Now that weather is getting warmer, if any is looking for a job, there is a shortage of workers in North Dakota due to the oil boom there.&nbsp; They need support staff such as cooks, waitresses, motel staff, etc.&nbsp; Vandwellers are perfect for that because there is little to no housing available in the area.&nbsp; If you have specific skills, you could make a hefty income.&nbsp; This was on the news in Alaska.&nbsp; Google it and you will no doubt find all kinds of positions available.</p>
&nbsp;I used to treeplant, pick fruit, and prospect for gold. Now that my back is ruined, I'm a welfare bum (actually multiple barriers medical.. aiming for full disability soon, but still a bum), and a gold prospector.<br>
I worked as a campground host in the National Forests for 4 years. it is a great job!! In California they started us at $8.50 an hour and you were paid for every hour you worked. Your campsite was free. In the winter you can draw unemployment becuase it is a seasonal job and you were laid off. Highly recommended.&nbsp; <br>
Hi Bob, &nbsp;What are some good websites to find these types of jobs?
<div id=":3ea" class="ii gt adP adO"><div id=":24x">Freejetz, I, can give you two links, the first is to the company i work for since I know they are still hiring;<br><a href="" target="_blank"><wbr>employment/job-openings</a><br> <br>The second is to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. They are a pay site that most concessionairs do their hiring through. There are others, but I am not familiar with them.<br><br>But there is a better way, follow these steps:<br><br><ol><li>Pull out your atlas and find the name of the National Forests in the area you want to be in, for example Sierra, Tahoe or Inyo NF in Southern, CA.</li><li> Do a google search on the Ranger office and the name of the NF. So I just did a Google search on this:"Sierra NF Ranger office", and this was the second hit that came up, click on it..... <a href="" target="_blank"><wbr>sierra/about-forest/offices</a></li><li>You will see that site lists all the phone numbers for the Ranger offices in the Sierras. Call the number and tell the person you want to be a host at the campgrounds in the Sierra NF, can they tell you the name of the company that operates them. They will tell you that it is California Land Mangagement.</li><li>Next do a Google search on California Land Mangagement and go to their website. Now you want to do two things, find the phone number of the company and search till you find there employment page. Go see if they have any jobs posted you want. Whether they do or not, call them and say you would like to work for them and tell them the specific campground if you found one you wanted. If you didn't find a specific campground, tell them you just searched their website and do they have any new openings that aren't posted? If you find something you like, ask for the phone number of the person who hires for that area. You are much more likely to get hired if you call the person who does the hiring for that area. If she won't give you the number, then fill out an onlime apllication, or whatever she wants you to do.</li></ol>That was just an example, do it for whatever area you want to work in, it will work for any state. Most companies pay minimum wage, so you will probably want to start with the states with the highest minimum wage. <br> <br>Just because they aren't hiring now doesn't mean they won't be. Every year I have worked people have been fired or quit, or simply didn't show up. There will be more jobs so be polite but persistent. Call back every few weeks and be friendly and ask if there are more openings. Also, don't be afraid to work part time. Generally a full time job will open up later that they will give to you, you have already proven yourself, so they want to keep you and put the new person in the part time spot. If that doesn't happen, you will get a full time job next season, so just view a part time job as a stepping stone. make sure you tell them when they hire you that you want full time and you are taking part time as a stepping stone to the future. They will appreciate you perseverence. <br> <br>Hope that helps, Bob<div class="yj6qo ajU"><div data-tooltip="Show trimmed content" id=":2zm" class="ajR" role="button" tabindex="0"><img class="ajT" src=""></div></div></div></div><table id=":32j" class="cf gz ac3" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><br></td><td><br></td><td><br></td><td><br></td><td><br></td></tr></tbody></table>
Depending on your lifestyle and your may seem strange to some but you can possibly get a job as a carnie worker with a traveling carnival.<br><br>Some are seasonal and some are year round.....<br><br>I did this for a year and enjoyed hard.<br><br>Worked about 12 hours a day and was free to leave and go see the town or whatever.<br><br>Lifestyle isn't for was great while it lasted.....<br><br>I have PTSD issues and finally the crowds got to me.<br><br>If you have any skills in electrical or plumbing it can be an added bonus.<br><br>And to the OP.....since one of your posts you said you/husband ? were teachers you may be able to work tutoring and schooling the carnies the homeschool trailer that some of them have.<br><br>You do meet some interesting and nice people and like anything else you have to weed out the weird.<br><br>Now I enjoy more laid back outta way open places communing with nature and all that good stuff and try to avoid people in large it wouldn't work for me today.<br><br><A href="" target=_blank></A><br><br>
I have gone around and asked people if they needed cheap help. Got work two days ago and worked about 9 hours total. 10 bucks an hour and the lady bought me a 12 inch sub to boot and let my dog frolick in her yard with her old dog haha. Just went down the road with my dog and asked around. She put me to work within 5 minutes of asking, no lie. this won't always happen now but people take it as initiative being a younger person as I am. But, even going on craigslist and looking under general labor. I got a job I had a back in october as a janitor 3 hours a night 5 days a week from craigslist. Was minimum wage but you get a raise after 90 days and as long as you do your work and don't cause problems some companys will give a few cent extra with the raise. I have worked on and off for years with my dad too in construction and have that under my belt for traveling and I am in the process of trying to go work somewhere for someone out west using the site helpx. People have work to be done and put you up and feed you for the help and you get to travel for so cheap and see some stuff good site to google becaue I'm not sure of the hyperlink <br>
Phantom Blooper- Awesome to hear about bein a carny. People have told me many times on the road to go and do that. How'd you get the job just go up and ask around?<br>
&nbsp;Union construction, I can work out&nbsp;of&nbsp;any local union hall in the country. Just show my payed dues&nbsp;receipt and sign the book.&nbsp;