Yeah that's why I dont read the package. XD
My brother got me to read the label on potted meat as a kid and I didnt eat it for years.
Yeah i have to be careful about purine rich foods. I suppose its gout that I get in my foot from time to time. Now that I know what makes my foot sore the day before it gets inflamed I take naproxen sodium over the counter and for the next few days and I dont have to walk with a cane for a week anymore. Maybe its because I've broken that foot twice. A green limb fracture as a kid when I fell out of a tree, and later as an adult I was pissed off at my boss and kicked a rack in the back room. SNAP! I knew instantly it was broken. I didnt have insurance so I wrapped it in ace bandages and wore like 6 pair of socks on it for a few weeks. It never healed right and used to click sometimes when i walked. Rub some dirt on it and walk it off.
I only eat smoked oysters from a can. I tried smoked mussels from a can once and OMG. Idk if someone SHAT in that can or what, but it was enough to put me off of trying them ever again.